Chapter 4

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Hunter lifted his head, smiling as Edric walked out of the room with a slight limp.

Both of them, now that the hardest part was over, were exhausted. It was much later now, and they were half certain that an all-nighter was eminent. As much as they hoped otherwise.

Immediately, he knew that everything was going to be alright. Flapjack cheeping excitedly at the sight of him.

Hunter: How are you feeling?

Edric shrugged.

Edric B.: My back burns like Tartarus. But the healer said that I'll only need a couple weeks to heal.

Hunter made his relief obvious. Edric chuckling and pressing a kiss to his cheek in reply as they exited the building.

Edric B.: Did you think I was dying?

Hunter shook his head.

Hunter: No, but... Y'know... It's easy to let your mind wander to those dark places when you see someone you care about so hurt.

Edric frowned, looking at the ground. Unsure of how to reply.

Edric B.: Yeah. Well, we're here now. We're safe, for now, anyway. Let's just try and find some place to stay the night. Figure it out from there?

Hunter nodded, following his fiancé's lead.

His fiancé's lead...

Wow, that sentence sounded great!

< Meanwhile >

Amity hissed as she made the mistake of moving her bad leg. It had gotten infected when she was bitten, and it was bandaged and treated regularly. It would take a while before it would fully heal. The same went for her nose, which would definitely have a scar on it after the fact.

Luz stayed beside her, trying to conceal her yawn.

Luz N.: R—Ready?

Amity nodded.

A day or so of bedrest—or just, not walking—wasn't going to hurt her. The remaining two weeks of crutches wouldn't, either.

That's just what I get for being so impulsive.

Her nose didn't need much assistance, but it was most likely going to become a very noticeable scar when it healed.

Once Luz stood up, Amity only wrapped her arms over her girlfriend's shoulders as Luz lifted her off of the bed. Carrying her to where they were staying.

They had planned to get a place, but Eda, Raine, and King insisted that they stay even after they had the witchling so they had help available when they needed it.

As nice as it was... Amity and Luz knew how torturous it would be given how Eda and Raine were still reacting.

They would need to insist to leave around the time the witchling was born, maybe even a while before depending on where they decided to work.

Just for their own sanity.

King was still awake, and was waiting impatiently in the living room. Which was hard to be mad at. They were home several hours later than intended.

Luz kept her voice in a whisper as Amity had seemingly drifted to sleep.

Luz N.: Amity's brother and his boyfriend went through the barrier. We had to go to the healing center because Amity got hurt helping them.

King made his understanding clear immediately, concern etching his face instead.

King: Is she okay?

Luz nodded.

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