Chapter 14

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Darius D.: So, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly brought it on? The divorce?

Alador shrugged. Glancing at his boots as they got ready for bed.

Alador was a little apprehensive to sharing a room and changing together at first, but, as Darius pointed out, they were both men. Alador was simply used to Odalia wanting full privacy when she got ready for the day and for bed.

Alador B.: It, should have happened years ago, to be honest. If I'd known that Odalia was on Belos' side with taking away witches' magic, it would have happened sooner. But, I didn't have Edric and Amity around, anymore. So I had nothing to distract myself from how bad it had gotten.

He sighed, trying in vein to rub away the ghosts of what were once prominent eye-bags.

Alador B.: Then again, I think a part of me knew what would happen if we divorced sooner. I would have lost them as well. Not only that, but my former in-laws would have been given the ability to see them as often as they wanted. Odalia never truly got to shake off the parenting she was taught, the way Amity still resents her made that very clear. But the fact that she would bring in her side of the family to do the same to the children?

Alador's face felt hot, either because of his rambling, or because he was getting angry.

Alador B.: I suppose I just thought that I could deal with it. Just a little longer until Emira, Edric, and Amity were old enough to decide what they wanted to do. The twins were old enough, Amity wasn't. I wouldn't have forgiven myself if Amity was ever left alone with those people.

The bathroom was a little quiet, Darius stepping a little closer.

Darius D: So, I'm assuming that you feel better, now?

Alador nodded.

Alador B.: After the first couple months, I think so.

Darius D.: You don't miss her?

Alador shook his head. Nearly blacking out as he felt Darius' arms wrap around his waist.

Alador B.: I do. But I'm not sure if the Odalia I'm missing right now is the same one that's on the other side of the barrier.

Darius hummed. Brief flashes of when the three were younger coming into his view.

Darius hugged Alador tighter. Noticing the man's silence.

Only then did he move. Very gently ducking under to free himself from the hug. It was nice, don't get him wrong. But...

Alador B.: Maybe let's not be so forward so soon? I've only been divorced for seven months. My kids don't need another major change to process right now.

Darius frowned, but nodded with understanding.

Once again, everything was about his children, which Darius couldn't help but admire. Now that he had Hunter to help him understand the reason.

< Meanwhile >

It was hard to be in that room, but she didn't want to leave.

Every room in the house was hard to be in. But there was no convincing her to leave the home and the heartache that came with it.

Amity's room looked as if she still lived there. Posters hung on the wall. Textbooks stacked at her desk. A light forest-type smell from her constantly leaving the window open—despite being told numerous times to close it. Bed made but clearly having been sat on.

Odalia had firmly refused to move back in with her family, citing how she raised her family there, so it made no sense to give it up.

The other reason was because of this.

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