Chapter 25

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< Later >

Sky had looked over his appearance. Repeating his name to himself with such a childish glee that Jerbo at one point swore he saw his eyes grow glassy.

It was such a small change.

But it felt so much bigger than that.

Just a few hours prior, he wouldn't have given the fact that he had no name a second thought. In fact, he wouldn't have thought about it at all.

But, now that he was "Sky", he couldn't fathom how he managed to live with the knowledge that he was nameless for so many years.

When Edric returned with Eda and Raine, Sky had been struck with an immediate urge to rush out and tell him his name.

But, he was held back by the entire reason why he couldn't go with Edric to begin with.

Edric had managed to get his leg healed now that his magic was back, and he had stopped by his house to get the aforementioned clothes.

Sky stayed close-ish to Jerbo. And Hooty boisterously tried to reassure him that he would defend him.

Whether or not that would work was to be determined.

Edric came in first, directing a small smile at them and tilting his head backwards as he spoke.

Edric B.: They know who you are, but just be warned they'll be a bit... Yeah... I've still got these clothes.

Sky lit up.

Sky: Thanks, Ed! By the way, my name's Sky, now!

Edric's face went a bit red. As did Jerbo's as he quickly realized what had led to the immediate use of a nickname.

But, at this point, Edric would feel bad if he pointed it out.

Then again...

How did the Collector—Sky get that nickname?

Jerbo hid his face behind his hand when Edric looked at him.

Did, did Jerbo still...?

Even after it had been so long?

The initial thing hadn't even lasted that long...

Force of habit, maybe?


Jerbo was happy with anything outside of the prison uniform. And gladly wore what he knew to be a size bigger since it was all he was used to.

Sky was used to loose clothing as well, but he wanted to blend in more than anything else.

Jerbo had decided to go with a very loose t-shirt—which had to be combined with a belt around the waist so it didn't look too ridiculous. And a pair of black pants.

He kept the shoes because he had them long before he got arrested.

Sky, by contrast, had a figure-hugging purple turtleneck with bishop-sleeves. Meanwhile wearing a pair of loose brown pants and black shoes.

He was used to going barefoot for the most part. So the new restriction, even if it was slight, was plenty uncomfortable.

But, he liked how he looked.

The last pair of clothes Edric used to change out of his dirty, bloodied uniform.

Just in time for Eda and Raine to finally enter. Having gotten distracted with Hooty waking up.

... And then having to catch him up on the fact that he missed four years. Including the fact that there was a divide, that Belos had become more tyrannical, was assassinated, and replaced by someone even worse. On top of the personal stuff. Including Luz, Amity, and Azura.

Create A Divide To Prepare For Revolution [An Owl House Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora