Chapter 21

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< One Month Later >

Alador B.: Yes?

Darius tilted his head, expression displaying a playfulness meant to assist him through any negativity.

Whatever he was about to say was likely going to make Alador mad. And Darius knew it with an aggravating smugness.

Darius D.: Apologies, Alador. It was just, you know... We've been housemates for a while, Hunter and Edric have found their own places—

Alador sighed.

Alador B.: If that was a problem, you could have told me sooner so I'd have the time to move out.

Darius gaped, shaking his head quickly.

Darius D.: Oh, no! That's not what I meant at all! I was just—

Alador B.: What?

Darius quieted, a light red tint to his face as he slowly regained his confidence.

Darius D.: I just figured that we should clarify, if this stays platonic, or if there's another reason as to why we're still living together.

Alador was about to say something, but Darius interrupted him.

Darius D.: That's not to pressure you. I just know that Hunter and your kids will start asking at some point. And I assumed that you wanted to prepare for a response?

Alador nodded,

Alador B.: Yes, well... What do you think?

Darius half-grimaced.

Darius D.: For one thing, I don't think I see you as a friend anymore. I don't know if that is a compliment or an insult, as last time I asked, you weren't ready. So really, you're the one who should have the final say.

Alador's face was clearly pink, rubbing the back of his neck.

Alador B.: I mean... I don't know if that'll make things weird for the kids...

Darius shrugged, stepping closer and bracing his arm on the counter.

Darius D.: Alador, those kids are adults, now. I doubt they'll mind you starting to date again. What do you think?

Alador glanced at the floor quickly. Making Darius move closer due to him speaking more quietly.

Alador B.: I don't... I know something's different. I've only felt this way about a person with Odalia. And, that isn't a relationship I look fondly upon. Maybe,

Alador closed his eyes.

Alador B.: Maybe that's why I'm hesitant. What good would I be as a partner if I wound up picking up Odalia's habits? That marriage wasn't just bad for me, it was even worse for Emira, Edric, and Amity. Their mother was non-stop controlling of them, and I wasn't able to see that. Even now, I don't see us having a fully mended relationship any time soon.

Alador spoke even quieter.

Alador B.: What if they think I'm abandoning them? That I'm leaving them to have another family? A "better" one? They're all I have left, Darius.

Darius shook his head after a moment of silence.

Darius D.: They won't think that. I know they won't. You've done everything you could do. If they didn't want to have contact with you, they wouldn't have reached out. Give yourself a break.

Alador sighed.

Darius D.: I know this isn't easy for you. I'm not asking for you to act like it is. I'm asking for your input, because this is your call.

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