Chapter 9

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< Five Months Later >

Luz N.: They're still not done?

King shook his head once. Annoyance clear.

King: When they said they wanted to pick a fixer-upper, I didn't think they meant picking a house two seconds away from falling apart.

Amity shrugged.

Amity B.: It's probably decorations they're talking about. I'm pretty sure they repaired every inch of the place.

Luz N.: They did when we were with them. I made sure that every millimeter of it is stable!

King: As long as they aren't making the door come alive. Nobody's replacing Hooty... Let alone some block of wood that probably fell on my head when the roof collapsed...

Amity leaned back and tried in vein to make herself more comfortable.

There was no sugarcoating the fact that carrying was extremely rough for Amity. It was to the point where she couldn't even give herself a break because sleeping just as awful as being awake.

It was unclear if this was due to her age, which was considered a likely possibility.

Or maybe it was because of a health issue that existed prior to beginning the process. One that she wasn't aware of and wasn't able to treat properly.

Or, perhaps, Amity was simply not built to handle it the same way most witches were.

Whatever the reason, for Amity, the last five months were the worst.

In fact, it had been so bad that Amity had spent most of the fifth month confined to their bed because she was simply too ill to get up.

Amity's eighteenth birthday came and went just as painfully as the days that led up to and followed it.

So, Luz and Amity's plan to live alone was postponed.

Of course this earned a lecture when everyone else found out how severe the symptoms were getting. Mainly about how they didn't look up potential health problems before they made the potion.

But, it was calmed with Alador quietly hushing it. Staying with the two at their house and helping where he could.

It didn't take him long to figure out that they actually wanted to keep the fact that it was an accident hidden. So, through gritted teeth, he promised to keep it hidden on his end as well. Regardless of how exhausting it was to see Edric and everyone still harshly judging them.

Gus and Skara had warmed up to what had happened faster. Eagerly offering to help them both whenever they could. Willow seemed to be moving forward more slowly, and Boscha still seemed too shocked to be involved. Especially with how difficult it was to see Amity in such a state.

At one point, it was clear that it caused an argument. Whether it was earlier on, or happened more recently, they couldn't tell.

Amity B.: I'm sure they feel the same, King.

Luz beamed as she looked at King.

Luz N.: Yeah! We all miss Hooty!

Luz saw Amity grimace out of the corner of her eye.

Luz N.: Er, kinda?

Amity shook her head.

Amity B.: You had it right, Luz. Just a chest pain.

One of the same obnoxious chest pains that had been bothering her for the past, what? Six hours, now?

They weren't very consistent, and the pain level was staying the same. So Amity had to assume that it was just because she was in the final month. The hardest one.

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