Chapter 68

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Klaus POV
I laid Tara on the bed going into the restroom. How I thought to myself. It can't. It just can't.

Flashback POV
"You harlot. You killed your brother and you think you have the audacity to parade around with some girl" Micheal spat. I looked down clenching my fist. "You will never have a family BOY. You don't deserve one" he snickered.

"Abominations don't get things like that".

Flashback ended
I shook my head thinking about Micheal. He's wrong. I will have my own family. I dialed Rebekah's phone number gripping my hair. "WE'RE COMING BACK EARLY. GET THE MOST COMFORTABLE BED AND SHEETS FOR TARA" I yelled.

"Nik" Rebekah questioned but I hung up. I put my hand on Tara's head feeling the heat and sweat on her. I covered her up with the blanket. "I'm going to get everything to pack up and we will leave" I whispered to Tara.

I put all the clothes back in our suitcases. I called over the housekeeper, pilot, and driver. Everything was situated. The driver loaded the car and I laid Tara out in the back seat. As we drove away I looked down at Tara.

"We're having a baby" I smiled.

Rebekah POV
"Was that Klaus" Marcel asked holding me. "Yep, Tara and he is coming home early". "Something had to have gone wrong" Marcel sighed rubbing my back in a circular motion.

Klaus POV
The bed on the back of the plane lay Tara. Currently, I was getting Tars checked. The doctor held his hand over his wrist feeling. Tara's body moved and eyes fluttered open. Tara tried sitting up and I hurried to her side. I fluff up the pillows behind her helping her sit up.

She groaned looking at me and the doctor. I sat down having Tara rest against me. "You are two weeks pregnant. It seems" the doctor said fixing his glasses. Tara held my hand as the doctor continued. "It seems that you developed a fever because of the food you have been eating".

"What should she be eating, doc". "Healthy meals with meals like chicken, potatoes. Just plain and simple nothing too exotic". "I will prescribe some medicine but the fever has gone down". "You may leave" I glared.

"So, it's my fault that yours sick," I said glancing at Tara. "You didn't know" she mumbled. I gently moved  Tara back on the pillow bending down beside her. "What's wrong," I asked taking a look at every inch of Tara's face.

"We haven't talked about kids. When I saw the results something came over me. I was just so scared. And I don't know how you would feel about us having a kid". Tara began to cry silently. I held her hand "I love you. I hope our kid turns out just like you" I smiled.

Tara smiled coming closer towards me. I gave her a quick peck listening to the heart of my baby and my love.

After four more hours, the plane had landed. I wanted to carry Tara down the stairs but she decided to walk. Slowly I helped Tara down the steps holding her hand. I'm not showing I'm pregnant, not disabled" she said annoyed. I smiled at her fiery nature.

The black car was parked with the driver waiting. Once we were inside the car the driver started the car. The engine came alive making the car shake. "Drive slowly or I will kill you" I glared at the driver. I looked at Tara to see her brows knitted.

I held Tara protectively the whole ride home. With the driver driving slowly our thirty-minute drive to the house became an hour. It was three o clocks when we pulled into the driveway.

Rebekah POV
"Miss, We moved in the new mattress and bed coverings" the maid reported. "Good" I replied leaving the room to go downstairs. The dining room was filled with food. Tara loves to eat and what better way to welcome them back? Hopefully on a good note.

I told everyone that they were coming today which explains why everyone was here for lunch. I could hear footsteps making all of us go to the courtyard. Klaus was holding Tara's hand forcing her to lean on him. Klaus watched Tara's every move as she looked at us.

"Rebekah" Tara called out. We hugged but I quickly got moved back. "Watch it," Nik said laying his hand protectively over Tara's belly. "It can't be" Freya put her hand over her mouth coming near Tara and Klaus. Rebekah squealed "Oh my gosh. Are you pregnant" I asked.

Tara began to blush but she shyly nodded her head. "Congratulations" Elijah spoke coming downstairs. "Thank you, Tara said locking eyes with Elijah. "How did this happen" Freya spoke. "I think we all know how this happened" Marcel smirked. I bowled him in the stomach shutting him up.

"She's human it was bound to happen," I said. We all agreed. Elijah came up to Tara looking at her with longing. "There's something I want to show you," Elijah said as we all followed him.

Elijah POV
Haven't seen Tara for two weeks it feels like the first time I met her. Her skin glowed and she looked refreshed. Like a different person. We went upstairs and I unlocked the door to the room. I opened the door letting everyone in. Everyone's reaction was in awe but I wanted to see Tara's face.

"Is this a baby room" Rebekah questioned.

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