Chapter 26

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Klaus POV
"Klaus I have told you to stop yelling. What is wrong" Elijah questioned. My face was flamed and my eyes had turned golden brown. My breathing had become ragout.  I grabbed my jacket and walked out of the house. Elijah was calling my name but I had drove off before giving him an answer. I started driving full speed while looking  at my phone to see Tara's location.

I saw that she was at a club. My jaw clenched and I gripped the steering wheel tightly. She never fucking listens.

Tara's POV
Rebecca came to the dance floor and scared off the guy I was grinding on. We both began dancing waving our hands in the air. Rebecca was twerking on my back while I swayed my hips. I started to feel a hard gaze on me. I stopped dancing with Rebecca looking around the room. My eyes stopped on Klaus staring at me intensely against the bar with his arms crossed . One furious look from him and I had began to sober up.

Klaus gestured for me to come over. Guilt washed over me like a little when they get into trouble. I slowly walked over to Klaus with my head down. Once I was only a few inches away from Klaus he pulled me into him. He pressed his hand on my hip while lifting my head to look up at him.

"Did you have fun" Klaus asked. My head started to feel fuzzy and the alcohol was coming back. Rebecca came walking up to Klaus. " Such a buzz kill. You couldn't give her a few more hours of fun" Rebeca sighed. "Shut up Rebecca. The stunt you pulled I should dagger you. What if something happened to Tara" Klaus said. "Bloody hell Niklaus you can't dagger me every-time I make you mad."

"Like I haven't done it before. Don't try me. Now let's go."
Rebecca gulped nervously and we all walked out of the club. Klaus opened the door for me to get in. Once we were all in the car Klaus sped away.

I started laughing to myself thinking about Klaus accent . "Why is she laughing" Klaus asked Rebeca. "She's totally drunk" Rebecca softly laughed. "You let her drink" Klaus yelled.

"Yea she let me drink and I feel great." I giggled.
"You're always yelling. REBECCA!!" I said in a fake British voice.
"I don't talk like that" Klaus said.
"I don't talk that" I repeated in a British voice.
I looked over at Klaus while smiling. " Hello, love my name is Klaus Mikaelsson. I am a 1,000 year old man who loves a seventeen year old girl. I yell at everyone. Blah, Blah, Blah" I said in my British voice.

Rebecca began laughing hysterically while Klaus had an amused expression on his face.

"Is that how you think I sound" Klaus asked while grinning. I put my finger on my chin thinking. "Yes" I said. " So, Tara did you have fun" Rebecca asked with a mischievous grin. "I loved it. Especially when I danced with that guy. I had never done that before."

The car had come to an abrupt stop. My head went close to the headboard then got slammed back. "Hey" I yelled in a slurred voice. Klaus turned looking at me " You danced with a guy" he questioned.

"I don't have to answer you" I crossed my arms. "Tara no jokes. You let a guy touch you" Klaus asked with a dark voice. Rebecca laughed nervously " no she didn't. She's just drunk."

Klaus looked at me letting out a deep breath. Our eyes connected and there was silence. He searched my face  then turned back to the wheel.

Klaus POV
I continued driving. We pulled into the driveway to see Marcel standing at the door way. Rebecca got out of the car and walked over to Marcel. I looked over at Tara to see her asleep with her head on the window. I walked around the car opening the door slightly for Tara head to fall. I held her head in my hand while I unbuckled her seat belt. She stirred in my arms while I took her inside.

Once I had enter the compound Tara eyes fluttered open. She started at me with clouded eyes. "I want ice cream" Tara spoke. I looked at her with a kiddish smile. I carried Tara into our kitchen then I let her go. She stumbled while standing up so I picked her up siting her on the counter.

I grabbed the ice cream out of the freezer. I fixed it into a bowl then walked over to Tara. Her eyes lit up once she saw the bowl with four circle servings of ice cream. "I'm surprised a house full of vampires have ice cream in their freezer" Tara said with a slurred voice. " Just because we drink blood doesn't mean we don't like other foods" i chuckled.

Tara was licking the ice cream off her spoon when some fell on her arm. We both looked at the ice cream splash. Tara was about to wipe it when I grabbed her hand. I looked up at Tara while leaning my mouth down to the ice cream splash on her arm. I slowly licked off the ice cream.

Tara breathed hitched. My face was still lowered by Tara's arm while we both locked eyes. Tara's eyes swirled with lust while she bit her lip.

"You look really hot" Tara said seductively.

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