Chapter 37: See You Again

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean you don't have any left?! Don't tell me this shit Jessie! Just help him!" Toby screamed.

"Toby, he's telling you the truth. Just look at his side, if he had any left he would have healed that by now. We're sorry but we're just kids, we don't know how to help." Lily said pointing towards Jessie's side.

Toby's face hardened as he stared both of them down, a look Jessie wasn't used to. Before he could yell at them again Akita, with what little strength he had left, placed his hand on Toby's arm. Suddenly hopeful Toby clasped his hand and stared down at his husband.

"Don't take what anger you have out on them Toby, this was my decision." Akita said so weakly it brought tears to Jessie's eyes.

He could see he wasn't the only one.

"Akita don't waste your energy, we're gonna get you help. You just have to hold on, ok baby." Toby said as his tears rolled of his face onto Akitas wooden mask.

"Toby its ok. Really its going to be fine." Akita said quietly.

Turning his head towards Jessie and Lily, Akita chuckled softly.

"You just can't stop getting hurt can you Jessie." He said shocking Jessie.

"L-looks like it." Jessie said feeling a lump in his throat.

"Without any smoke you're left defenseless right? Take this, its not much but its all I can offer at the moment." Akita said as he nudged his blade towards Jessie.

He stared down at the sword as it laid bloodied by its owner, feeling an intense guilt.

"I-I can't take this, this is your sword Akita. If anyone should have it it should be Toby!" Jessie said flustered.

"Take the damn sword Jessie." Toby said annoyed. "If he wants you to have it then you have no right to refuse. Not after what he did for you."

Jessie swallowed feeling any resistance he had leave him. He bent down and took hold of the sword staining his hands with its previous owners blood. His grip tightened around the hilt as he watched Akita turn his attention to Lily.

"Thank you Lily, for saving my husband and myself. For giving us this chance to talk one last time." Akita said his voice now starting to waver.

Lily sobbed harder and grabbed onto Jessie, burying her face in his shoulder. He winced in pain inhaling sharply, despite that he wrapped his arm around her trying his best to comfort her.

"Can you help me take off my mask Toby, I'd like to look at my husband with my own eyes in my last moments." Akita said slowly.

Every word cut Jessie deeply and he knew the pain must have been indescribable for Toby. Toby slowly pulled of Akita's mask revealing his froglike features and a small smile across them.

"There you are handsome, as breathtaking as our wedding day." Akita said as his eyes grew glossy. Toby chuckled softly.

"You still leave me feeling butterflies even till this day babe." Toby said pressing his hand against Akita's Cheek.

"I'd like one last moment of privacy with my husband if you both would be so kind." Akita said softly.

Jessie nodded, pulling Lily away from the two men; as he turned away he felt Lily break from his grip and turned towards Akita.

"Thank you, for everything." She said before burying her head once more into Jessie's chest.

Taking one last look at the two Jessie felt the need to say something, anything to either one, but as he opened his mouth to speak he found himself speechless. Another wave of guilt washed over him and he turned away, leaving Toby with his dying husband.

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