"Mr Xiao, you need to have faith in Mr Yibo."

This sentence made Zhan confused and he looked at Barry with his head tilted to the side and asked..

"What do you mean by that..?"

"I mean what I said, this place is too exposed to talk. So...is there anything in particular that Mr Xiao likes to eat for lunch..?"

"Oh..! Yeah, that reminds me...why doesn't Yibo eat what I eat anymore, I'm not doubting you or anything but... I...I saw that he doesn't like the food that is served sometimes but-.."

"Ah..! Don't worry about that...just remember what I said. Alright..? I'll get going now...I will prepare something really special for lunch and for dinner as well. Then you can eat together in your condo."

Zhan was about to ask Barry something but, Barry just slightly bowed and turned around to leave. He sighed as he realised that he will have to wait till Yibo tells him what he's been up to lately because even his actions are a bit strange. He remembered what rumours he heard about him before he was hospitalized, the threatening message he got in the hospital when suddenly told him he was discharged and now since he came back, it seemed like some co stars didn't like his return at all. Gossip had also been spreading around and he remeber what the biy said "Yibo wants to move out of the shared condo..." At that moment he didn't care about what was being said about him but the thought of Yibo leaving made him feel so tight in his heart and he felt his eyes starts to sting a little and knew...he was about to cry and he couldn't.

He couldn't cry infront of everyone because they might find it easy to bully him like they did in high school. Zhan found it hard to breath and he sat down and drank some water to calm himself down after what he had finally realised himself. He thought that indeed he was a burden to Yibo just like he was aburden to his friends. That Yibo only pretended to help him and now he was tired if a burden like himself. He burdened himself with all those thoughts which only Yibo held the answers to. But he couldn't ask him, he didn't want to talk to Yibo. His thoughts were shaken by his name being called megaphone.

He quickly stood up and he heard the two boys laugh, he didn't want to turn and look who they were laughing at, in his mind...they were laughing at him. He had no idea what he did while he was in deep thoughts but what scared him the most was if he voiced his thoughts out loud and that was why the two boys were laughing at him. He went over to the director and his manager came in and gave him his phone to check quickly while they were sticking workingup some touches on his face and the Wei Ying's robes he was wearing before the shooting. He opened his phone and it seemed like he read something which made him so upset and he suddenly looked around in panick.

After three hours the shooting was done and  he was relieved that the director didn't ask for a retake because his mind was elsewhere while shooting and it wasn't like him at all. He was used to giving his best and even when he was stressed about something he would give his absolute best and it always helped him forget about the worries he had. He went to the changing room and changed into his clothes and the make up team came and took off his wig when his manager came rushing again. He lokked at her and she seemed to be worried when she gave the phone to Zhan to read, again...Zhan was left sweating that everyone in the room saw it and asked if he was ok.

It was later in the evening and Zhan was already in their shared condo when he heard a knock on the door. He was in the bathroom getting dressed after taking a shower when he heard the knock, so he went to open the door. He opened it slightly like he feared something and she he saw it was Yibo with the food tray he left the door open and walked back inside. Yibo came inside and he already sensed the atmosphere Zhan carried around but didn't say anything about it. Zhan went to pour some hot coffee and as soon as he was about to go to his room, he felt a tug in his shirt. He looked at the hand and then to whom it belonged to.

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