Act one, Part Twenty-One: First Holiday

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Happy Holiday everyone!! And have a lovely Christmas!!


The Next day

Mikey opens his eyes, blinking a bit to clear his vision. He slowly rises, stretches out his arms, and lets out a long yawn. After what happened yesterday, he had a perfect dream of what he pictured his life with Judi would be like. His face looks lovestruck, thinking about Judi, his new mate.

He reached out his phone, checking the time, and his eyes widened. December 25th, Christmas Day. "It's Christmas!!" he shouted happily. He quickly left his room, running to the living room like a kid on Christmas morning. "It's Christmas everyone!! Get up and do presents!!"

A chorus of groans is heard in the lair. Each turtle left their room one by one, and one Splinter walked with a tired expression on his face. In fact, they all look exhausted. They all headed to the living room.

"Geez, is he always like this on Christmas?" Ginny asked Leo.

"Every morning on this day," Leo answered with a yawn. "Can we at least eat first?" he asked. "Don't want to open on an empty stomach." Then Mikey got in his face.

"Breakfast later presents now!" Mikey yelled.

Leo, Raph, and Donnie groaned. They don't mind the holidays; they do enjoy their gifts and have a day off from crime fighting, but Mikey can at least not take the holiday too far. And with the new turtles, they would like today to be calming and enjoyable. No excitement, no surprises and no rowdiness.

Everyone sat around the tree while Splinter sat in his chair. He sighed, feeling relaxed. "So, who's gonna open first?" Splinter questioned them. Everyone looks at each other, thinking about who can take the first present.

Then Leo grabbed Ginny's gifts and placed them beside her. "You go first, Ginny." he offered.

"Okay." Ginny looks down at her gifts. She picked out the red gift, opened it, and looked inside. She let out a sharp gasp. "No way!!" She pulled out a basketball. "I always wanted one as a kid!! Thank you, Raph!!" she smiled at Raph.

"Can't wait to see how you play." Raph smiled back. He figured that Ginny must be the sporty kind, and he was so looking forward to her beating Leo in his own game.

Ginny grabbed an orange gift, ripped the wrapping off, and opened the lid. "A cookbook?" Ginny pulled out a cookbook, opened it, and looked inside. She then looked surprised." Oh my, it has recipes for a service of ten!!" she gasped.

"By yours truly," Mikey smirked.

"Oh, brother." Leo rolled his eyes.

Then she opened the other two. The purple gift held an iPhone, while the blue gift had a new sci-fi movie. Ginny couldn't stop smiling at the gifts she got. "Is this the new sci-fi movie!!? And I got an iPhone!" she grinned. "I can talk to my family again!! Thank you guys!!" She ran and hugged the four.

"Merry Christmas, Ginny." Raph hugged her back, looking at Leo, whose face was entirely red. He smirked invisibly; his brother was crushing hard on Ginny. The group hug broke off as Ginny went back to her seat.

"My turn! My turn!!" Judi happily chimed in. She opens a red present, pulling out a teddy bear. "Oh mi gosh!! He is adorable!!" She hugged the teddy bear. "I love him!!" She placed the teddy bear down and opened the blue gift, taking out a comic book of her favorite hero. "A Lady Luna comic with her partner, the mysterious Prince Solar!! Eeee!"

She put the comic next to her teddy bear and opened an orange gift and a purple gift. "New paint canvas with stickers!!!" she beamed happily. "Thank you!! Thank you!!" She hugged Leo, Raph, and Donnie. Then she hugged Mikey.

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