Act one, Part Four: Stolen Away

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The portal opens inside the lair. Raph came in first as he rushed up the stairs, turned left, and entered an open tunnel that is used as a medbay. Mikey came in next after April, and Leo and Donnie came in last. All four rushed behind Raph up to the medbay. Leo set Ginny softly on a bed, ensuring her head doesn't hit hard. Raph put Prim next to Ginny, Julian, and Judi, while Donnie set Arianina on a bed that is close to the entrance. He watched Bello slide down, land on the soft mattress, and snuggle close to his owner's face.

After ensuring the teens were okay enough to rest, the five left and retreated to their hangout area. But sadly, April has to leave, or else the teachers will notice her gone. So she took her bag and left the lair. After that, panic filled the lair.

"Ohmigosh! Ohmigosh!! What are we going to do!?" Mikey shouted with his eyes widened in shock.

Raph paced. "This is bad! This is bad! This is beyond bad!!" He panicked. "Dad is going to find out! We are going to be busted!!"

"Forget, dad! How did TCRI get hands on an oozequito and recreate it!?" Donnie shouted back. "I never thought there was still one flying around New York, and they get their hands on it! It's scientifically impossible!!"

Leo remains calm. "I don't know, and I don't care either." He spoke. "We got a serious problem, and this is far from any mutants we faced; they are just teens like us." He frowned. "they don't deserve this."

The four have gone silent. All have no clue about what to do and how to get help. Every mutant they faced was only full grown adult and had given in their mutant powers. But mutant teens? That is a serious thing. They need to devise a plan to get them back to their normality.

Suddenly Donnie spoke. "If that mutagen originated from Draxum, maybe he can make a retro mutagen that can change them back? He had done a lot for us and the trouble he caused; the best he can do is make an antidote for his oozequito." He suggests his theory.

Raph rubs his chin. "It could work." He nodded. "But we can't leave the five alone."

"I can go to Draxum; he trusts me." Leo volunteered. His face let out a sweat, only to be met with unease glares from his brothers. Leo is the last person Draxum can ever trust out of the four.

"I'll go." Donnie said.

Mikey questioned him. "You sure, Don?"

Donnie nodded. "I understand his work well, and he respects me." He added. "You three just keep them away from dad."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Fine, Mr. Favorite." With a swing of his katana, a portal to Draxum's apartment opened. "Just be careful on your way." He grumbled.

"I'll be fine Fearless Leader." Donnie mimicked his voice. He turned to his brothers. "Wish me luck, guys." Then he stepped into the portal and disappeared along with the portal.

Soon the room has gone quiet. But it didn't last more than three seconds when Mikey spoke out.

"So...any ideas on Dad?" He asked.

Before the two can respond, the room echoes with loud screams from the medbay. The three ran up and entered the medbay. And right in front of them are three screaming turtles pointing at each other in fright. Ginny was backing herself to a wall, and Julian held a screaming Judi in his arms. The boys were stunned by this scene.

"Boys! What is going on?!" And they heard Splinter's voice heading their way out of the blue. Their screams have caught his attention. The three rushed in fast.

Leo stopped in front of Ginny. "Hey! Hey! Calm down!' He reassured her, trying to get her to stop screaming. "It's okay!"

But Ginny just kept screaming. "Another monster!!" She shrieked in fright. "Get away from me!" She crunched down.

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