Chapter 32: Irreplaceable

Start from the beginning

The twinkle in her eyes had returned, she was breathing, and she was beaming. Alive.


This was unnatural.

And yet she was back.

I was sick.

I looked back to the Darkling who was not paying me any attention. His focus was on his golden girl. The apple of his eye. He was crying again, but now tears of joy. He was relieved.

"Oh, Leksi," he murmured, caressing her cheek.

She giggled again, completely oblivious.

"Dada," she said again, grabbing his face.

He smiled, then moved to kiss her forehead.

"No one will ever hurt you, moya luna. Never again. Fjerda will pay for their crime. I promise."

And that was what instigated the Fjerdan War. And led to their downfall. Fjerda would be no more.

I began to make my way to the door, trying to process what just occurred.

"Alistair, listen to me."

I turned to the tsar, a Father who had lost his daughter.

A father who had tampered with nature to bring her back - gave her an unnatural life.

"Moi Tsar, I..."

"You will never repeat a word of what happened here. Is that understood?"

I nodded.

His tone softened.

"Alistair, I charge you with her care as I am obviously incapable."

"My king..."

"Be the Father I cannot."

I saw the tears brimming in his eyes, the beginning of a heartbreak I could never understand. He placed Leksi in my arms and never looked back.

He loved her.

He still did.

And the poor girl would never know.

How was I supposed to explain to the Darkling that the most valued thing in his life had disappeared under my care? I gulped, thinking about what happened to that assassin.

What would be my fate?

Ravka would not welcome me with open arms.

"Moi Tsar," I greeted him.

Luckily Mother was not around. The news would have broken her.

The Darkling's features remained expressionless. You'd think he didn't have a care in the world.

"Where is your sister?"

"That's why I've come, sire."

He chuckled.

"Refusing to rest, is she? Tell her..."

"She's gone, sire."

My voice broke on the last word.

"Gone?" he asked, his tone now quiet... threatening.

"We were ambushed. She summoned and..."

"And what, Alistair?" his voice now menacing.

Immediately I was surrounded by shadows, one tightly wrapped around my neck.

"She lost control."

"The most powerful Grisha in all existence lost control?"

"It was different this time."


I was beginning to see stars.

"The light," I was gasping for breath, "the shadows, they were... together. Formed a vortex... consuming her..."

"Consuming her?"

"And then she was gone," I managed to choke out.

His eyes were bulging now. Just like that night...

This was it... I had failed him.

I had made him a promise. The most important one of his life. And now it was broken. Someone would pay the price...

The stars were becoming brighter, taking over my vision.

"Did you not remember the promise you made me? The sacrifice I made."

I did not interrupt. I couldn't.

All control was lost from his voice. He was yelling now, and the shadows were screaming.

"Did you not understand what I asked of you?"

"I'm sorry," I whispered.

"You're sorry."

The stars were getting brighter, and the shadows were screeching louder.

This would not end well.

Hey everyone,

Thanks so much for bearing with me. I know it's been a while since I posted. Just finished another exam. I swear they just keep coming!! Hope you all had an amazing weekend and wishing you well for the week ahead. I hope you enjoyed this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it. Finally an answer to one of the big questions. As always, would love to hear your thoughts on the chapter and potential chapter names. Thank you to @lovebeyondwords for naming Chapter 31. You're the best!

Look after yourselves! :)

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