Everything's normal.

6 3 15

"Essie... Azrael is-"

Lucas stops in his tracks.

"Oh my god," Ocean gasps.

I stand there with my arms at my side.

My hair probably messier than it's ever been, my own mother's blood on my sword, and mine dripping from my knuckles.

    I wonder what this looks like to them. My mother sprawled on the floor, her stomach cut, her face bruised and bleeding almost as much as mine.

And my father. Laying a few inches away.

I thought he was immortal. Then how...

"What the fuck happened in here?" Lucas interrupts my thought, rushing to my side.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder, surrounding me with himself, leading me away from the scene.

He leads the criminal out of the crime scene.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

Ocean takes a subtle step back when I get too close.

I mentally flinch.

"That's not the question you should be asking," I say, waving towards what I've done.

"Your army came to our aid. It was war," Ocean says.

I simply nod in response.

I'm tired. Dead tired. So tired I don't think I can form coherent thoughts.

"Azrael?" I ask Lucas.

He sighs, exchanging a look with Ocean before leading me towards the med wing.

    My heart stops beating when I see him. My limbs freeze and everything seems to fall apart.

I run to his bedside looking at every person there for answers.

"Severe brain injuries, probably has been hit many times. Bullet in the leg, probably to get information out. Bottom line, he's in a coma. Indefinitely." A doctor walks in.

The sky shatters and falls directly on top of me.

"Your condition is not much better, princ- your majesty."

"I don't give a fuck. What do you need? Blood? Give him my blood. Wake him up!"

"That's not how it works, Esmeray."

My heart hurts.

As the rush from all that has happened dies down, the reality of it all dawns on me.

I killed my Mom.

I killed my Mom. And my dad and my sister hates me.


Not now.

Right now, others need me.

I drop a kiss to Azrael's forehead and whisper, "I'm right here, doc. Wake up."


I step into the shower.

We're planning to move out of the palace.

Build one of our own.

    For the time being, we'll be living in a hotel uptown. I cannot stay one more minute in this prison anymore.

The Queen Of EternityWhere stories live. Discover now