Welcome to the shitty life of Esmeray Reyna

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We walk out of the car and towards the gates.

Ocean sticks close to Lucas as I lead those two inside.

Not to brag but the palace is basic in comparison to mine.

But there is a huge gate with at least fifty guards patrolling all around it.

We don't have that many guards, my father thinks I am enough.

Towers rise from the four corners of the palace. This style is a rip-off of my palace.

I don't know what it is but I always felt a sort of... attachment to it.

Sure, it ruined millions but it's so devastatingly beautiful with its dark, round towers and tall gates and intricate architecture.

But that's not the point. I don't have time to be mad about someone copying the design of my palace.

The guards bow when they see me and Lucas.

Lucas always hated this. He liked the power, not the fear.

But I ignore it because you get power in one of two ways. Respect or fear.

Either way, power is power.

This one overly excited girl greets me and leads us to the conference room to discuss our 'agenda'.

She keeps talking about how breathtaking I looked at the ball but doesn't mention the part where I got stabbed by my former lover.

"I wish I had your wardrobe. Well, for those clothes to look good I need your figure." She laughs.

I look up at her.

"Clothes are supposed to fit you, you're not supposed to fit clothes," I reply.

She smiles a bit and I go back to ignoring her.

We walk through the twisted and turned hallways until finally reaching the conference room.

"Inside you'll be finding the prince, the queen and the king, your majesty. Good luck. They have changed a lot. Used to be so sweet. Aren't the kindest people, now. The prince is..his parents tho—"

"I get it, I don't need their life history. Lucas, you wanna come in now or pitch in later?"

I want to start giving him an option to... slowly take him out of my life.

He has already ruined half of his childhood, teenage and now twenties fixing messes I created.

I want him to be able to stop doing it.

"I...uh— Yeah, no. l'll come with you."

"Are you sure?"

He hesitates. 

Glancing at Ocean he says, "Can I just show her around first?"

I nod as he walks away.

The overly excited girl opens the door for me as I take a deep breath.

I got this.

As the door opens, my eyes widen and surprise paralyses me for a few minutes.

"Azrael?" I blurt out.

He blinks at me, then at his parents.

"When you said a Princess was coming, you should have mentioned that it was the Princess," he says through gritted teeth to his parents.

They shrug off his words.

When he said he used to be a viscount, I wish I knew he meant this viscount.

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