Give me a hot sec

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"Is she gonna be okay?"

"Yes. My daughter's strong."

"No thanks to you."

"Or your husband. He killed my sister for god's sake."


And Lucas.

And Themis?

I hear the door opening, then closing.

Someone walks up to me and sits down on the bed I am laying on.

Fingers run through my hair. Gentle. So fucking gentle.

"You awake?" Azrael asks.

I am too tired to talk so I simply nod.

When I finally open my eyes, I see a very worried and very sleep deprived Azrael.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," I say.

"We ran from the palace. Your mother did carry out her end of the deal. She found a place to restart the rebellion. We're in the to-be headquarters right now."


I mean, I guess I was sure that she will carry out her end of the deal. But I didn't realise it'd be this quick.

I mean, things are happening a little too quickly anyway.

First with the rebellion falling apart, then the whole Jake fiasco and then Mom's return, that voice in my head and now the rebellion restarting.

"I am tired."

That's the only thing I deemed right to say right now. Probably because I am. So tired.

"I know." He says.

"Lay with me," I say and he doesn't hesitate before placing himself beside me, his arm above my head.

That's oddly comforting.

     I turn to my side, placing my hand on his chest and his arm loosely falls down to my back, his fingers drawing patterns.

"How are you, by the way?" I ask, trying to draw the same patterns on his chest that he's drawing on my back.

"I am okay. I mean, not good. Obviously. But I am holding on. I was worse when you weren't here. In my arms, I mean. I was so worried, Ray."

"Ray?" I smile.

"Yeah. Like, sun's rays in a dark room. A little goes a long way. And you're my sunlight, remember?"

How can I forget?

"I will avenge your sister, you know. I am not gonna let him get away with it.'

"I know. But no matter how much bodily harm you cause Kayan, it's not gonna bring my sister back, is it? I know I asked you to kill him but I was angry and grieving. Thinking clearly, I am not the kind of man who fights fire with fire. Fire with fire just causes more fire. Fire should be fought with water."


But I will always fight fire with fire. Probably because it's the only thing I know how to do.

"I wish... I wish I'd met you earlier."

"Me too, Ray."

"No I mean— all my life, I have felt like people only keep me around because they need me. Excluding Lucas, obviously. Jake...he wasn't exactly the best boyfriend. Or not-boyfriend. He liked the idea of being with the princess. I don't think he liked me very much. So yeah. Basically, sometimes I felt like I ruin people's lives. Then, in light of recent events, I think I do ruin people's lives."

"You haven't ruined my life." He says.


"No. My life is way better because you're in it. I know it's too soon to say shit like this but, I can't imagine how I used to live without you. And now I don't think I can."

     I don't what happens but I kiss him. Hard. His lips move with the same strength. It kind of hurts but I don't want to stop.

When we finally pull apart his hand has dropped down to my butt.

"Goddamn it, you're beautiful," He blurts out.

A relaxed yet breathless laugh escapes my mouth as I look up at him, "Beauty is pain, handsome."

He doesn't ask me to elaborate.

"What are you going to do now?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know, to be honest. I am really thinking as we go. much as I hate to accept Mom's here and I think that's going to make this whole rebellion shit a lot easier. The people will trust their queen. Even though they might hate their princess."

Silence again.

"They don't hate you, Essie. They are just a little angry."

Yeah. And that's my fault.

I froze in front of the King.

And I know damn well that I'll burn down his throne in front him too. Even if it's the last thing I do.

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