And that's how you kill someone's soul

13 3 45

Hold on, Cara. I am coming.

"Essie, what the fuck is going on?" Lucas asks from the back seat.

"I know where Themis is."

His face tenses. 

This is the best thing about Lucas and I. I never have to say it. He just knows.

"Why does this thing not go any faster?" I yell stomping on the accelerator.

After what seemed like ages of silence other than me repeatedly cursing under my breath, we finally reach the headquarters.

Well, not exactly. We have to walk for like a minute.

We step out. Ocean leaning against Lucas for support.

I run towards the headquarters and....

"No no no no."

The building is up in flames.

Panic swells up in my throat to the point that I can't breathe. 

I see a figure walking out.

"Susan!" Ocean calls out.

Cara isn't with her. Nor is Azrael. 

I run inside, straight to the med wing, Lucas screaming at me to stop.

A few seconds later I hear his footsteps running behind me.

"Cara! Azrael!" I scream, my heart racing and my breathing short and heavy.

"In here!"

Azrael's voice.

Lucas and I share a look before rushing towards the voice.

He's on the floor, under a bench, holding a little girl in his arms.


I help him up, let him lean onto me for support.

Lucas takes Cara from him.

"Fluer?" I ask him.

"No idea. She just told me to take Cara and hide."

I don't ask about my father because I honestly have too many people to worry about, right now. 

A part of the ceiling crumbles beside us.

This is not safe.

We rush out, avoiding burning furniture. Which is all of it. 

Susan's eyes soften when she sees me. But it's not relief. It's an emotion I know too well for all the wrong reasons. Sympathy.

"Fleur is here"

"Where is she?" The panic is higher than ever right now.

Susan moves, 

Ocean is on the ground and on her lap is Fleur, coughing out smoke and...blood?

"Bullet," Ocean says, her voice thick with tears.

I walk up to her, drop on my knees.

"Fleur?" I whisper, letting her hold my hand.

"I die as your warrior?," She laughs and then winces.

"You're not... you're not going to die. Azrael?"

He sits down beside me, looks at her for permission and lifts up her t-shirt, revealing her stomach. And the bullet wound along with burns and other wounds I know from training. Daggers, blades.

"I am sorry, Essie. She lost way too much blood."

"Well, give her blood then!" My voice rises.

He looks at me, defeated.

My eyes sting, my chest burns.

"You're not going to try?" I gulp down on the sob rising up in my throat.

"Esmeray." Fleur says.

I face her and with a small groan she gets up, her lips touch mine for a fraction of a second before she falls back.

Her eyes still but a smile on her face.

My heart stops thudding for a second.

Until I hear Cara whimper.

"Esmeray?" Lucas's shaky voice calls.

Ocean sobs with a dead Fleur in her lap.

I rush towards him, taking Cara in my arms.

"Hey, baby."

"I am going to mommy," She whispers.

I can't hold in my sob anymore so I let it out.

"No sweetie, you're not going to...No."

I see blood on her dress, pray to gods I don't believe in that the blood's not hers.

I lift it up.

A slice starting from her lower chest to her lower stomach. Dagger.

Panic dissolves into utter rage.

"Who did this? Cara, who did this?"

"I don't know. But I am going to mommy," She says, a soft smile spread across her lips.

A child.

How do you do this to a child?

"I love you."

"I love you too, Cara. We're fixing this, don't worry," My voice breaks, "Azrael?"

"Our medical equipment are all burnt down. We don't have time to go to the city" He replies, his head low, his voice too is shaky. 

My jaw clenches and before I know it I let out all the pent up grief and rage.

"It's okay, Essie. I'll be fine. I love you. I'll be with mo—"

Her head drops and she feels heavier all of a sudden.

And then it's all a blur.

I am vaguely aware of myself screaming, my vision blurring, the fire behind me growing bigger. 

And I snap.

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