He's so pretty

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"Woah there! Do I know you?" Azrael utters those terrible words when I try to hug him.

My heart drops to my stomach.

He stares at my face for a good few seconds.

"You look so familiar. Like a.. like a distant memory."

I try to hide how much that hurt.

It's been a a day since he woke up. The doctors did stuff I don't know anything about.

"Don't worry, Esmeray. The memories will slowly come back," They had said.

But that doesn't make it better.

What if... What if the memories never come back?

"What's your name?"

"Esmeray. You call me Ray. Sometimes Love."

He nods, frowning.

"I- I just can't place you."

I swallow my feelings as I say, "Let's take a walk."

We walk around the lawn of our temporary home as I tell him everything. Starting from how he healed my wounds to how loyal he was till the very end.

"We never kissed?"

I shake my head, no.

"Esmeray, right?"

I flinch before nodding.

"I found a note in my pocket. I think I wrote it. It's addressed to you."

I take the crumpled, torn up piece of paper from his hand. A few drops of dried blood is still on it.

If something happens to either one of us, Ray. Know that I love you. And I died for you. That is the best way to die.
All I wish is that we could've had a kiss. Do it. Do it the second you see me. Don't ask. Just do it.

"Did you read this?" I ask, hoping he doesn't notice the crack in my voice.


"Can I?"


I take a step closer and when he doesn't move, stand on my tip toes.

His face comes closer, his eyes soften.

My heart beats faster and faster like I've kissed someone before.

But I haven't kissed him.

Our lips lock and I feel all the fireworks in the world go off.

I pull back, allowing him to stop if he feels like it. But he pulls me closer by the waist.

"Don't stop."

I make the kiss deeper, his hand tightens on my waist.

And when I let go, he whispers, "I still don't recall everything. But why do I want to.."

"Me too. Should we go?"

He nods.

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