The forgotten door

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Okay. This picture just seemed like something Ocean and Esmeray would do.

I wake up beside Azrael.

I turn around, looking at him breathe. Watch as his chest and shoulders rise and drop and rise and drop.

Is that creepy? It's probably creepy.

We maintained our distance but I can't help but mentally scream because we slept in the same bed.

I reach up and run my fingers through his hair, almost involuntarily.

I wait, tracing my finger down his cheek and his neck and—

"You're really bored, aren't you?"

I tear away my hand, turning around so he doesn't see the heat rising up to my cheeks, "Shut up."

Fuck fuck fuck.

"Hey. Come back," He whines, hooking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

How does one say no to that?

We go quite again, taking time to realise how close we are, how his skin meets with mine and how my head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck.

I look up, he looks down.

Electric waves run down my spine as his warm breath falls on my face.

We stay there.




Until someone decides to interrupt.

"Ugh," I groan.

He laughs, tearing himself away from me and sitting up.

"Come in," I unlock the door, as he grabs a file from my shelf, opens my laptop, and sits down on a chair with his feet up on the coffee table as if we've been working all morning.

"Your majesty, would you like me to bring your breakfast here?"

I give her a quick look.

She looks quite young to be working. And I don't really see her face for her eyes are fixed on the ground.

I haven't seen her before.

"No, I'll eat later. Are you new here?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"You do realise you don't have to call me that all the time, right? You can just use my name."

"Oh. Thank you, Your- Esmeray."

We stand in silence before she looks up, ever so slightly and I put on my friendliest smile.

She returns a small one before walking out of the room, her head held a tiny bit higher.


Azrael is busy and I can't find Lucas. So, I walk through the castle hallways, trying to find Ocean because all my other friends are dead.


Not being able to see her anywhere, I walk into the library.

Surprisingly, I find her there.

"Hey! Am I bothering you?" I ask, walking inside the huge room, lined with shelves filled with books from ceiling to the ground.

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