Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 5)

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The City Lord's mansion had been recently renovated and like many buildings in the Upper district left behind Toren's North originated architecture and took the shape of the Central Empire. The steep slanted roofs had been replaced with gentler slopes that evened out to rooftop gardens. What would have been primarily wood, turned to stone and the largest change, the myriad of large windows and glass. With so many easy openings, it was as if the building welcomed Mask rather than tried to keep him out.

The problem however was the stalwart protector that remained close by the City Lord. Rarely did they separate and when they did, it was only when the City Lord was heavily guarded and safe. Articus Fen sat upon his simple wooden seat outside the Lord's office. It was due to him that Mask hadn't been able to get closer. He had only managed to bug the office through a tray that was carried inside. If he were to set foot inside the mansion himself, Articus would be on him. Now however, that was exactly what Mask wanted.

Mask entered through a window on the ground floor and casually walked up the stairs leading to the office. He didn't bother to hide himself and stood in the open corridor. On the other end was Articus.

The fully armoured man closed the book in his hands and stood up, "I appreciate that you didn't try to hide."

"You're senses are too sharp for that," Mask admitted. "Would you mind if you let me pass and speak to the City Lord?"

"Your plan is to do more than just speak," Articus saw through him easily. "I will not let you touch a single hair on his body."

"Truly you are as loyal as they say. But perhaps your loyalty should be placed elsewhere."

"How dare you," the armoured man drew his sword. An aura of power exerted from his frame. "Truth be told when I heard the rumours of your presence I grew excited. They say you're like me, a man who stands at the cuff of being a Master but lacks an attribute. Perhaps with our battle one of us will finally ascend."

"It would be definitely be interesting," Mask nodded but made no move to draw any weapon. "Unfortunately if you heard the rumours about me to be correct, you know I take the easier path in a fight."

"This will not be easy," Articus held his sword poised in front of him. From that single motion Mask could feel the depth of his experience and felt a cold sweat chill his spine. This was a man who had taken the definition of an Expert to its peak. His understanding of pure swordsmanship in the three styles could even surpass some Lords but in the end without an attribute his power and growth were stifled. A small part of Mask wanted to test that knowledge, but the much larger part of him knew not to play with fire.

"I'm sorry but I've already won," with those words Mask took a step forward.

Articus frowned and made to move only to realise that his body had frozen. His muscles which he had trained for dozens upon dozens of years were stiff. He could feel the strain in his veins, the urge to be free but nothing came about.

"H-how?" he grit his teeth barely able to speak.

Mask whistled, "Colour me impressed you can still speak." He gently touched the armoured man and as if taking candy from a child, removed his sword and placed it against the wall. Next was the man himself who was postured back in his seat.

"B-bastard!" Articus tried to yell but instead it came out as a harsh whisper. The disbelief in his eyes was clear.

"I can tell you want to know how and to be honest it would have been quite hard had I not heard about your hobby."

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