Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 1)

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Chapter 8: Responsibility

In the early morning of the guild before the sun even rose, a wave of energy scattered across the training yard. Master Lanton breathed out, his sword pointed straight.

"Wrong again," Mask shook his head. "You're putting too much force into the first strike. Flare isn't about taking down your opponent in one motion, its leading them to an end to your favour. Regulate your energy, let your aura flow from one strike to the next."

"Agh I get it," Master Lanton rolled his eyes. Though it was his decision to train in the Flare style, he had forgotten just how frustrating training under another could be.

"Then do it right," Mask remained stern.

The Guild Master sighed, "Why do you treat me so differently to Chloe?" He looked to the young girl whose concentration was peaking as she glared at the block of wood in front of her.

"This is Chloe's first time learning and she's a child," Mask answered simply. "Unlike you who fell to alcoholism and neglected even basic practice."

"Well maybe this alcoholic appreciates positive encouragement as well."

"Just get to-."

"I did it!" the yell came suddenly from Chloe. "I did it. I did it!" She held her sword and jumped with joy. The thick wooden block now being cleaved in two. "Two weeks! I've been trying for so long and I finally did it!"

It had been two weeks since Chloe had been made her own sword. At first it had taken her many days to get used to the weight and then came her test to achieve the novice status. To cut through the Swordsman's Swallow. Finally she had succeeded. The wood split in two built upon hundreds of failures.

"Well done," Mask walked over and inspected the wood. "Not a perfect cut but the fact you managed to cut through is a testament to your skill. You are now a novice in Strike."

She grinned, "What do I need to for the intermediate test?"

"Whoa, slow down," Mask patted her head down. "Didn't you say you wanted to learn all three styles first?"

"Ah, yeah," Chloe calmed herself. "Sorry I got caught up in the moment."

"Then which do you want to try now?" he asked. "Now that you have the basics of Strike to build on, the others should come easier. Your body as well is much stronger than when we first met."

Chloe smiled wryly. While Mask was right, even compared to the children her age she was still small. Her arms were thin but at least now had built up a hidden layer of muscle.

"Hmm," she thought for a moment and looked to Master Lanton who gave her a positive thumbs up. "Let's try Flare."

Mask stared at the Guild Master, "Hear that Lanton? At the rate you're going Chloe might just surpass you."

Master Lanton simply laughed, "That could happen."

"Do you want to start now?" Mask asked.

"Yes!" Chloe gripped her sword energetically. She was basically fresh despite the training that she just accomplished.

"Then I'll demonstrate once for now. Lanton pay attention too," Mask drew his sword. "What I'm going to show you is one of the principle three strike combos of Flare. Unlike Strike, the combo changes depending on the situation but covers the same principles." He began to move his body, "The first slash is to distract your opponent, hold your sword close to your body ready to spring. When you attack, aim to startle or confuse. The second is to break your opponents guard. While they are reeling, spring forth, hard and fast. Push apart their defence. The third and final strike is to the end. Aim and be precise, target your opponents weakness and finish them." The deadly dance complete Mask took a deep breath and relaxed.

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