Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 1)

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Raising Wonders: By HMP Dharma

Chapter 1: It's my job.

Tales begin in a manner of all sorts. Some when a child is born, others when they are old and wrinkled. They can open to mountains tops where dragons fight knights in shining armour, or even reflect the simple hard working farmer tilling his fields. Regardless of any beginning grand or not, this story begins in the dark of night where not even the light of the moon could be seen. Upon the sill of a window a man crept. The window, extravagant, was lined with gold plated steel, the glass itself so clear that it almost didn't exist. It was just one part of a much larger mansion, a mansion that only enhanced what the window was a part of. For a moment the man regarded the work of art, appreciating its splendour before thrusting his gloved fist through the pane. The noise while not quiet was vastly outshone by the rustle of panic throughout the estate. Guards with lit torches ran to the outskirts of the mansion walls as the servants within quickly tried to hide themselves in fear.

The man breaking and entering sighed. Though he had caused all the ensuing mess that led to this point it was still chaotic nonetheless. With a clack he unlocked the window and opening it wide stepped into the large office beyond.

"As I thought," a gloating voice welcomed him. A handsome youth revealed himself as he strode to the centre of the room. Tall and outfitted in polished silver armour, the youth exuded confidence. "I should be honoured to confront the Mask shouldn't I?"

"Honour is relative," the masked man who had just broken in spoke easily. Compared to the shining knightly figure, he looked quite drab. A rough cloak that hid worn armour beneath. Each bit scratched from journeys here and there. The only item truly cared for, the white mask upon his face. Black holes for eyes that seemed to drag in the light around it, and on its left side a thick filled in crack. Though the rest of him was not noteworthy, the mask alone commanded a presence.

The youth continued to smile, "I knew you would come appear here. All that nonsense outside, a distraction. Even those breadcrumbs that pointed down the sewer, all of it to let down our guard. You live up to your name Mask." Thrilled to fight he began to draw his sword.

"True it was a distraction, and the fact you're here means it worked."

Mask's words caused the youth to freeze, "What?"

The explanation that followed came smoothly, "You are a party of four, yet only you are here. Two to the sewers and one to the walls."

"I'm a holy knight of the One, I'm more than enough to beat you down," the youth spoke through gritted teeth as he finished drawing his sword.

"But it's not me you should be concerned about," Mask folded his arms. "Before you swing your sword, you would do well to remember why you were hired."

"I was hired to deal with intruders like you!" The knight's sword snapped forward and though the steel didn't reach the masked man, a blade of light cut through the air towards him.

Mask casually ducked, barely dodging the sharp energy as it cleaved the window behind him apart. "Impressive. An expert grade Strike artist."

"Draw your weapon!" the youth declared.

He was ignored as the masked man asked again, "Why were you hired?"

"To deal with you!" again he swung, tearing the floorboards and now shattering the already broken window.

The blow however was warded, bent astray by the dagger now in the masked man's hand. His voice remained the same despite the exertion, "Seeing as you're not thinking so well, I'll tell you. Your job was to protect Rodrigues Von Tilos."

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