Chapter 8: Responsibility (Part 2)

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Beneath the city in the sewers of the East, Mask casually opened the iron door before him. The same five as before stood around a table, their eyes however wide in surprise at Mask's entrance.

"Sorry was I not supposed to be invited to this one?" he said nonchalantly.

"How did you know?" Ron asked while frowning.

"How could I not?" Mask laughed. "The Paladin finally enters the city, of course you'd meet. Am I allowed to take part?"

Lady Berca glared at him however stepped aside to make room, "For your help, you may listen."

"Unfortunately I'm here to do more than listen, but first let me hear your plan?" Mask folded his arms as he stood beside them.

"I agree," Ron nodded on Mask's other side, "Tarken, Mr Tilbury, it's about time you tell us."

Mr Tilbury smiled, "Three days from now is the Winter Festival. While the festivities have been scaled back, majority of the city and the Paladin will be up and about the streets."

Tarken continued, "During that time we'll enact our plan and free some of the monsters that are being held beneath the city. From the commotion Paladin Johannes will investigate and lead him straight to the illegal activities of the City Lord. With his help and the evidence we've gathered, we can uproot the City Lord entirely."

Mr Argus looked to them confused, "Hold a moment, those monster you'll release, how can you make sure to not injure the people?"

"Eggs need to break to make an omelette," Mr Tilbury said far too easily. "With the city guard and the Paladin, I doubt there would be many casualties."

"Many casualties?" Ron slammed the table and glared daggers at the two. "You promised me that no one would be hurt. Monsters are unpredictable as is, and you want to unleash them on the city? Why can't we just show the Paladin the evidence we have now!?"

"Because Ron," Tarken began, his eyes firm, "Our evidence is not enough. What we need is the people's anger. For them to side with us and the Paladin. We need to rise up as one."

Lady Berca scoffed, "I disagree. Anger can be easily misplaced. This plan while effective has far too many risks."

"High risk, high rewards," Mr Tilbury curled his moustache. "I will have the best medicine ready and donate to any family injured to make sure they are looked after. We have a chance to change the tides of this city, to create a new era of glory unlike any seen before. Do nothing and watch as you rot."

Tarken stood beside Mr Tilbury, "This is our chance. If we come at the City Lord with just evidence, what will the Church do? A slap on the wrist? A fine? Maybe things will get better for a year, but come next winter we'll be starved like the last. What Mr Kane has done, won't work again. I won't let another child of this city die."

"It's too much," Ron remained firm against the plan alongside Lady Berca.

Mr Argus however was deep in thought, "This could be our moment, however if even one citizen of Taren is hurt that would be our fault."

"The true fault lies with the City Lord," Tarken growled. "It's two against two Mr Argus, make your choice."

"Hold on," Mask's voice broke the tension between them. "While I'm not a true resident of this city, I did my own investigations."

Lady Berca nodded, "You did say you had something to tell us. Speak."

Mask's expression turned serious, "Though you may not believe me, I have heard of Paladin Johannes before. Not from simple rumours or stories but an account of a friend. The Paladin is not who he shows that he is. His heart is much darker than that."

Ron's eyes shifted closer, "Slandering a Paladin of the Church is punishable. I've only ever heard good things."

"So did I until recently," Mask spoke sombrely. "My friend was one saved by the Paladin but in wanting to thank him, he discovered something else. Paladin Johannes was the same man who instigated bandits to attack his village. To gain credit with the Church he has created danger to solve himself."

Tarken scoffed, "That's impossible. A Paladin would never do that."

"Perhaps," Mask replied smoothly. "But I suggest you hold off on your plan until I or anyone else can investigate deeper."

"And how long will that be?" Tarken slammed his hand on the table. "We have the perfect opportunity in three days!"

"An opportunity that could hurt a lot of people," Ron reminded everyone.

Mr Argus sighed, "I vote to cancel the plan for now. Mr Kane has saved many lives in the city with his work. We should trust him."

"Bah," Mr Tilbury laughed, "You are presented with a golden pig and do nothing. Have it your way, but know if you do not act the city will die a slow death."

"We know," Ron grimaced. "Mr Kane, how long will your investigation take?"

"A week at most," Mask replied. There was every chance that Johannes could play the saint the entire time, but if that were the case, more direct measures could be done.

"Then are we decided?" Ron asked the table, eyes resting on Tarken.

"Fine," Tarken's grip tightened. "With the Paladin here, at least the City Lord wouldn't dare to starve the people."

"I'll contact you when I can," Mask smiled and bowing, left the room.

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