Chapter 11: My way (Part 1)

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Chapter 11: My way

"Come in," Mask spoke towards the door which opened quickly.

Lana stood just outside, her expression clear with concern, "Mr Kane, there's something happening outside. It seems like the- Chloe were you crying?"

"Y-yeah," Chloe replied embarrassed. "But I'm fine. Uncle helped me. I was just a bit scared from yesterday."

"Oh sweetie," Lana moved over and hugged her. "It was scary, but we'll make sure your safe. That's our job as adventurers."

Chloe's eyes turned to Mask, "I know that."

He cleared his throat, "Lana you were saying?"

"Ah right. Paladin Johannes is asking people to gather in the plaza. He's on the stage. I think it's the results of his investigation. The atmosphere... the people are getting riled up."

"Is that so," Mask stood up nonchalantly. "I'll have a look."

"I'll go too!" Chloe jumped off her chair but was stopped by the both of them.

"Not this time Chloe," Mask gently guided her to Lana. "I'll need your help later. You don't need to see this."

"That's right," Lana nodded. "Master Lanton and your Uncle will handle things outside. Why don't you help me instead? With everything that's happened, everyone's a bit on edge."

"Oh, okay," she nodded, uncertain. It was clear that they were hiding something from her. The older part of her felt indignant at being treated as a child, but the larger part of her understood. She had seen the Titles the Paladin had and could take a guess at what may happen outside. Chloe didn't want to be part of it.

Mask left Chloe in the room with Lana. He equipped himself with his usual jacket and headed downstairs where Master Lanton stood by the door leading outside.

"This isn't right," Lanton shook his head as Mask approached.

"What's wrong?" although he knew, he asked regardless.

"The Paladin. He's making a show of everything in the plaza. I can't understand his goal." The Guild Master sighed, "I caught a glimpse of the perpetrator. Guy named Tarken. He's had some extreme views on the City management since his daughter passed away but he's an upright guy."

Mask nodded, playing ignorant, "Maybe the Paladin has a reason."

"I hope so but at the rate this is going the people are riling themselves up for blood. If the crowd gets too rowdy, I may need your help to calm them."

"Lead the way," Mask gestured and followed the Guild Master to the plaza.

A large crowd had gathered, not enough to fill the space but much more than would ordinarily be around in the morning. The stage which had been used to show festival performances had been stripped of its decorations and now supported only two men. One was on his knees, head covered in cloth. The other stood above in shining armour. His handsome face and valiant expression warping justice to his cause. In front of the stage the Church knights stood like a wall with several of the city guard joining them.

Several minutes passed as the crowd grew, more than enough now for the rumours to become fact. A sudden clap resounded across the plaza silencing the murmuring. Paladin Johannes held his hands together and showing a solemn appearance began.

"Thank you all for gathering so early," his voice could be heard easily from all corners of the plaza. "Yesterday a terrible event nearly tore down the roots of your city but your valiant effort and will to protect your home pulled through. The monsters that rose from the city depths were slain. Since then I have investigated all I could to bring your minds at peace. The reason for the monsters, those who caused it, though I may not have them all, I have done my best to stop this happening again."

The crowd hung on his words. Eyes flickering between him and the bagged man who could barely move in his chains.

"This is the man at the root of it all," Johannes tore off the cloth and like Mask had expected, revealed Tarken. Many of the people gasped, knowing who he was. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

The spell binding his words was released and Tarken immediately bellowed, "This is not what I wanted! Please listen. I meant no harm to anyone."

"You meant no harm?" the Paladin turned to him enraged. "There are people dead because of your foolishness!"

"It was our mistake, I admit," Tarken grit his teeth. "But the monsters, the reason they were already beneath our city, the City Lord was hoarding them! He used our food and taxes to keep them alive, all to entertain the rich. Because of him we've all suffered enough! I just wanted to show you. Please Sir Paladin, is that not a crime against the Church?"

"It is a crime," Johannes nodded. "That is if you spoke the truth. Our investigation will reveal that soon. I promise you all this, if the City Lord is truly a threat to your livelihood I will do what I must." He paused and looked to the people, "However, because of you, your fellow citizens have perished. Men, women and even children who simply wanted to enjoy a day of celebration. What you did was unforgiveable."

A sudden yell escaped from the crowd, "Fuck you Tarken. My brother is dead because of you!"

Another scream and a stone was thrown, "You killed my daughter!"

The crowd became heated pushing against the knights and guards. Their anger was growing and Mask could tell, but the Paladin did not stop it. He let it rise, acting and trying to call the people to calm. It was only when they were about to tip did he again clap his hands silencing everyone.

"Please stop all of you!" the Johannes stood beside Tarken. "I can see your pain. Your anger. Tarken Portside, do you see what you have done?"

"I do," he grit his teeth.

"You're thoughts and actions have done irreparable damage."

"I know."

"For the people do you accept your punishment knowing it will be your death?"

"Let me ask you one thing Paladin," Tarken looked up at him, eyes filled with guilt but the determination that built his soul remained. "Will you protect the people and punish our supposed Lord? To never allow this to happen again?"

"I will," Johannes replied solemnly.

"Then I accept," Tarken closed his eyes and faced forward.

A roar exploded from the crowd, "Kill him!"

Just like that the Paladin's sword swung from his sheath. Tarken's head fell to the stage, his body slumping behind it. Silence gripped the plaza.

"Let this appease your rage and allow you the chance to grieve," Johannes spoke to the people and sheathed his sword. "I promise you again that I will get to the bottom of this. I ask you wait." He bowed and as he did so all the Church knights that followed him did so as well. He departed the stage and slowly the crowd began to disperse, many of them in tears.

"How fearful," Master Lanton commented. "That Paladin managed to control not only the people's emotions but also Tarken's. His reputation proceeds him however my instincts are wary. I'm curious to what you think?" He faced Mask.

"As the Guild Master of the Toren Adventurer's Guild, one of your jobs is to protect the city from foreign forces. I suggest you be ready for that," Mask replied heavily.

The Guild Master sighed, "I see.... Even in my prime I'm not sure I could win."

"Don'tworry too much. This time I'll protect the city my way."

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