Chapter 12: Upside Down (Part 3)

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Within a single day, the Handler had wormed her way into the hearts of near the entire guild, many of whom said they felt as if they already knew her from her relation to Chloe. At first they bonded from the dire news she had supposedly bought. The condolences then led to an excuse to share a few drinks. From there her bright personality that shone despite the circumstances fooled them into becoming friends. Though Mask took the time to head down and speak with the adventurers, Chloe remained in her room. It would be odd if she was bright and chirpy despite the news of her father being sick. Really she was practicing magic.

As the sun set and the city began to pack away, Mask tightened his jacket and swapped out his mask. Chloe did the same, though not wearing a mask, she would be near invisible in his shadow. The first time they had gone out, Chloe had shivered with anticipation, clinging to Mask as he jumped across the roofs with nary a sound. She could still remember her initial exhilaration of stepping into the world espionage and her happiness at being truly useful. Now she was quite used to it and without being told moved towards Mask with arms up to be carried.

They stood near the window of their room ready to leave. The Handler sat at the table sorting her own equipment. She had been given the room next to theirs after schmoozing up to Lana.

"I doubt you'll need it, but I'll cover for you is anything happens. Stay safe," the Handler told them nonchalantly.

Mask simply nodded and exited the window, sealing it behind him. With that he jumped into the night, blending with the darkness and not even leaving a foot print behind on the snow covered rooftops. As they reached the wall splitting the Upper district from the rest of the city, Mask slowed down, landing gently upon the stone. A shimmering barrier waved above the tall wall, it was the same barrier that kept the cold out and would also alert the guards below. Mask however simply pressed his hand against it and as Chloe felt a pull of energy from within him, they slipped through.

For the past few nights, the two of them had visited the biggest mansions across the upper district. They spied their occupants as Chloe read out the Titles she saw. Their last goal was the small church that was oddly placed along the main street. Compared to the main church in the city it was quite humble, and compared to the buildings around it, it looked very much out of place.

"Are you ready Chloe?" Mask asked as they neared the wooden building.

"Yes," she nodded firmly.

"This is the residence of the High Priest of Toren. From what I know he's of the decent sort. Strict, humble and his heart is set on the Church and the One. Though from the layout of the city, and our dear Paladin, don't be surprised if he's heart is black."

"I know," Chloe had already seen many depraved Titles belonging to the powerful who lived in the upper district.

Mask held Chloe as she also clung around his neck. He approached the building and blended with the shadows, reaching an already open window. It was all too easy to leverage it for an easy fit through. Inside the Church was as simple as it looked. Several wooden pews, an altar and little in decoration, though all of which was dedicated to the One. A single door lead to the back of the church. Mask crept forward, his senses alert and detecting more than just sight and sound. The ripples of mana that fluctuated through the world were his best source of information, and from that he knew where the high priest slumbered.

Two doors and a corridor later, Mask and Chloe stood above the sleeping aged man. Chloe looked at him, eyes glinting. Thomas Fontain, age 62, human. Pious Believer, Practitioner of Magic, One who has beheld power, Undying Loyalty... the list went on but all were on the normal side.

"He's clean," Chloe couldn't help but be surprised.

"Perfect," Mask stood behind the wrinkled man and gently placed a hand on his forehead. Wisps of white light crossed through Mask's finger and into Thomas's skin. The man shuddered but didn't stir awake. "Let's go." The two snuck out the way they came.

Safely outside, Chloe asked, "What did you do to him?"

Mask answered as he leapt through the district, "I sowed some doubt through his dreams. If he's as clean as we believe, he may already have some doubts on our dear Paladin. A suggestion here and there will make it easier if I need his help later."

"Do you always do that? Prepare in advance I mean."

"When I can," he nodded. "A lot of the time the things I prepare got to waste. Plans of 'just in case' situations or 'what ifs', I've got plenty to spare and since we've been in this city for so long, even if the entire city were to turn their heads to kill us, we'd be able to make it out."

"But you don't expect that to happen do you?" Chloe asked feeling as if a flag had just been triggered.

"Of course not. The only thing I haven't planned for yet is if you ratted me out."

"I'd never!" Chloe said a little too loudly.

Mask smiled, "I know."

They landed into a patch of trees beside a small garden plot. Close by the mansion of the City Lord could be seen. Every night they had been to the upper district so far, Mask had come by and fiddled with the growing vegetables.

"Is this also part of your plans?" Chloe questioned as she crouched beside him.

"Yes, and this one I'll be using quite soon," Mask spoke as he spread a clear vile of liquid across the dirt. "Now that the Handler is here, she'll be assisting us to manage the people. She's incredibly adept at spreading rumours and controlling information. Which will leave me room to do what needs to be done."

"And what exactly is that?" the small girl looked at him with anxious curiosity. She knew that something had to be done in the city. The past week, despite the Paladin's proclamation, nothing had really changed. People were still short of food and with the blizzards getting worse, access to dry wood was limited. The amount of blankets they had handed out at the Guild was enormous. Most of them had been made from the beasts the adventurers' had hunted earlier in the winter. Even if they made it through this winter and summer was better. Would they last another?

Mask breathed out, "Chloe you're no ordinary child. I know you soul is older than that, but you also understand that the world can't operate just on good faith and dreams. Tomorrow, chances are I will kill the City Lord."

At first she was shocked, but Chloe knew he had his reasons, "Will everyone be okay if you do?"

"Frankly no. There will be a big shift and some people may suffer. People will get hurt and more people will die... some by my hand."

"But in the end?"

"In the end, yes, everyone will be okay, or at least I hope so," he smiled and picked Chloe off the ground. "Tomorrow will be a long day. Let's go."

As they again made their way back to the Adventurer's Guild Chloe held onto Mask.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"For what?" Mask asked genuinely.

"For telling me, for not hiding what you were going to do."

He let out a rough chuckle, "That's the first time I've been thanked for that."

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