Chapter 14: Pressure (Part 3)

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A meeting was being held in the Adventurers Guild. Midday the guild was busy with adventurers coming and going as different parts of the city needed assistance. The blizzard had yet to show signs of waning. Yet in the midst of it all, Katlia kneeled on the floor, behind her five others and in front of them all Lana and Master Lanton.

"Master Lanton, Lana, please give us another chance," Katlia bowed her head. "We abandoned the guild for the Upper District. We did things that a good adventurer never should. But I ask you, please, let us work and help the people again."

The Guild Master eyes narrowed, "Katlia do you speak for everyone present?"

"Yes I do," she nodded. "I can understand if you scorn us. We who lost our livelihood in the Upper district only to come crawling back."

Lana spoke next, "The six of you committed acts that would have your license revoked. Attempted kidnapping and aiding in the construction of an illegal Monster den. There is every chance that you betray us again."

The six adventurers looked down, unable to hold her gaze. Katlia eventually replied, "Even if we all apologise, our words mean little. Please let our actions from here on convince you."

"Master Lanton," Lana turned to him. "As head of the Guild of Toren it's up to you to decide their punishment."

The Guild Master sighed, "I never liked this type of work." His eyes caught someone else hiding in the corner, "Chloe what do you think we should do?"

"Eh?" Chloe who had been watching in interest jumped at being called. She had already recognised Katlia as the one who tried to kidnap her.

"You're...." Katlia caught her gaze and spoke sincerely, "Chloe isn't it? What we tried to do was unforgiveable but please understand that we never meant any harm to be done to you. At the time we thought it was the best course of action. In our minds the Guild was dead." Several eyes shifted to the Master Lanton who could only cough awkwardly.

"I... I understand," Chloe came out from the corner and stood beside the Guild Master. "I'm not angry at you."

"Then should they stay or go?" the Guild Master asked.

"Master Lanton," Lana elbowed his side clearly not impressed he was leaving it to Chloe.

He flinched but held his ground, "Chloe is a smart girl. So?"

Chloe nodded, "The custom of adventurers is different all across the world. I've read a lot about the different tales. In the North, adventurers are like family, even when they leave their relation never ends. In the Central Empire, adventurers are much more selfish and what you did wouldn't be outside the normal.... That doesn't mean it wasn't wrong." Her eyes glinted, hands clenched against her dress, "I can see however all of you want to be better. We shouldn't say no to people who want to help."

"Then...," Katlia looked at them with hopeful eyes.

"You heard her," Master Lanton laughed. "The Guild's services are open to you."

"Just like that?" Katlia couldn't believe what she was hearing as they stood back up.

The Guild Master approached, his voice softening so only Katlia could hear, "I also had a chat to a mutual friend."

"I guess I'm in her debt then," Katlia chuckled.

As the group of veteran adventurers became reacquainted with the guild, two onlookers watched from the second floor. Mask sat opposite Ron, the two appearing leisurely as they sipped drinks at a table.

"Your niece was quite impressive," Ron noted. "Her father must be proud."

"Ah yes.... I'd like to think so," Mask replied as he realised that Ron still believed their supposed backstory.

Ron however took his hesitation differently, "Sorry he's sick isn't he." He looked down to the 1st floor where Chloe was being praised by Lana. "Children should grow up being loved. My daughter is only three this year. She has so much to live for."

"As do you," Mask smiled. "Raising a child is a blessing in its own right."

"Have you had children yourself?" Ron became curious.

"Myself? No," Mask couldn't help but laugh at the notion. His smile however didn't fade. "I just happened to be in the position to witness it a few times."

"I'd like all of Toren to be able to raise children peacefully as well." Ron's eyes glossed over, "The city has several schools... though in the past few years, less and less children have been using them. After what happened today... I really do fear what will happen to the city." His expression hardened, "Is it safe to speak?"

"Yes. I've had time to tweak things. If anyone did try to listen in, they'd only hear us speaking about our families."

"You really are talented," Ron huffed.

"No, if I was truly talented then I'd have fixed this before it began. Unfortunately when it comes to true talent, there are few people who reach its hallowed halls."

"Well everything is by perspective." Ron tapped the table, "What do we now? The Council Guard have taken over the investigation and not even Paladin Johannes' knights can enter. By the time we can get close all the evidence will be gone."

"Ah about that," Mask took out a thick stack of papers and laid them out on the table. "My associate and I took the liberty of going through it already. Take a look."

Ron gingerly took the papers. The first page immediately made him went to scream, "This- Is this true? That's nearly half the council! How can we even compete against that?"

"Turn the page," Mask prompted him.

He did as he was told. Locations, instructions and plenty of names, "This is a plan?"

"What we achieved yesterday won't last forever. Within one week we need to break the blizzard and to do that, there must be no doubt that our enemies plans have failed."

"You really want to take them all out?"

"Yes. This is after all my job." Mask stared directly into his eyes, "Most of those names are small time bullies with big egos. Your job is to shake them."

"And what about the Lord's Knight Articus? Is he really going to help? His lord is dead and... aren't you the one who caused it?"

"We've reached a mutual agreement. He will aid you if you follow the plan, the Church will too," Mask smirked. Even if the Paladin didn't want to, without breaking his act, he'd have no choice but to follow their lead. "We start small and aim high. There's enough evidence to make the lower end members of the Council to rat out their friends. The chain reaction will eventually force the top to slip, and you'll be there to make sure they don't get back up."

Ron paused as he flicked through the papers, it was truly a grand plan, "This is going to put a target on my back."

"Your family will be safe. I can assure you of that."

"Thank you," he breathed out. "I trust you Corvis. Toren is my home. It was Tarken's home.... I appreciate you helping this wayward city in the middle of nowhere."

"Again, it is my job."

"But you didn't have to do it this way. This-," Ron tapped the stack of paper, "this is effort only a man with an honourable heart would go through."

"Then let us hope that this honourable man and his companions can win the day," Mask held up his cup.

"Agreed," Ron cheered together with him, the burning sensation of the alcohol strengthening is soul.

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