Chapter 3: Open City (Part 2)

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It was midday and the sun was shining bright from above. Being winter when the sun didn't last long at all and it was rare for it break through the clouds, the streets were quite a bit more crowded than usual. The sun breathed an energy into the city as the heat seeped into the stone and skin of the people. For Chloe however even as bright as it was, the overall temperature was terribly cold compared to the mild climates she was used to. With only a thin dress, she was wrapped in Mask's blanket and cuddled into his arms. At first she had refused and said she would walk, but without proper clothing the chill air proved too much.

It was the first time in a long while since Chloe had been to the streets of a city. The variety of people mainly had pale white skin similar to the inn keeper lady. Then there was the rare non-human who Chloe couldn't help but gape at. Some covered with fur and strange ears resembling beasts, some short and stocky, others lithe with fine pointed ears. All of them seemingly fine with the presence of the other.

"Toren is a free city so having a mingling of races isn't strange. Being so far north you won't see too many." Mask spoke as he noticed her staring. "The Central region is mostly human after all, but from how excited you seem, you must have not got out much."

"I've seen pictures but seeing them in person is so different!" Chloe squealed.

"Hmm, I have to say I am surprised. Most nobles from the Central region and Empire have a disapproval of non-humans."

"Ah," Chloe stuttered. "Well, I-. One of our maids was non-human s-so I got along with her."

"Is that so," Mask replied simply. "Then at least I can expect that you'll be easy to travel with in that regard." He stopped in front of a large store in the finer part of the market area. "We're here."

The store front had wide windows displaying sets of clothing on mannequins. The clothes however weren't those for fine dining or nobility but those that showed off quality adventuring clothes. Chloe couldn't help but feel excited as they entered. The left section was filled with pre-made clothes assorted by size while the right side held dozens of different cloths waiting to be cut.

A thin man with pale skin and sharp animal eyes immediately approached them, "Greetings dear customer."

"Hello there," Mask returned the greeting. Though Chloe couldn't see through his mask she could feel an inkling of the expression that he was showing and assumed he was smiling. "I'd like to order some clothes for my niece."

"Oh my, what a cute niece you have," the man smiled to Chloe sweetly. "What clothes are you looking for?"

"A wardrobe really. On our way here my niece's bags had an accident and her clothes were ruined. Everything will need to be replaced."

"Oh no!" the man was genuinely shocked and concerned. "Winter is terribly cold here. Are you looking for premade or tailored?"

"I'll take a premade set for today and tailor some sets as well."

"And the quality of fabric?"

"Your finest but nothing that will stand out."

Chloe had to butt in, "W-wait! You can't. I'll be fine with just a single set of anything."

Mask looked at her with a perfectly acted sweetness, "Chloe it's alright. I know I can't replace what you lost but I have enough savings to make sure you'll be warm for the winter. I wouldn't be able to face your dad if I didn't do that much."

"My oh my," the shop keeper sniffed and wiped his eye. "You are truly a dear Uncle. Our prices aren't cheap due to our lacking supplies but I'll see what we can do."

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