Chapter 5: Interference (Part 2)

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A full month passed since Chloe had woken up. In the past two weeks a lot had happened to the point she was almost overwhelmed. She never stopped her training but at all other times she was busy helping Lana and the guild to the point she had basically become an honorary staff member. Through it all Chloe had learnt more about the Guild workings than most adventurers. Mask was right and as the cold of winter truly spurred, food was harder to find. The council locked its doors but like a descending angel the guild opened theirs. Food for work. It began slowly at first but soon people came from all over the city. A single day's work could earn you enough food for several days and while not everyone could hunt or leave the city, there were plenty of odd jobs as well. The list of jobs had built up enough that there was a surplus of work to go around and from there even more jobs were being put through.

Chloe stood on a stool behind the counter, a line formed in front of her. Men, women and even children a few years older than she was. Many of whom had signed up to be an adventurer in the past week. Most had pale skin, blue eyes and faded hair, the tell-tale signs of a Northerner. Compared to Chloe's black hair and fair skin, they really looked apart.

"I'm here to sign up," an older man aged 60 reached the front of the line. Chloe could already see his name, age and Titles perfectly through her eyes. It was part of her practice and also a safety net. If there was anyone suspicious, she was to tell Mask or hint something to Lana. Most of all she had found just how ordinary people were. Mask had over twenty Titles whereas those who came by had 2 or 3 one of which usually always related to their profession.

Chloe looked to the man and nodded, "Of course. Welcome to the Adventurer's Guild. Please place your hand here for your Titles to be inspected." She pointed towards the tablet on the counter.

"Little miss is it true that we can earn plenty of food here?" the old man asked as he reached over.

"Yes sir!" Chloe replied energetically for even those behind him to hear. "By completing the jobs that have been listed you will earn credit to exchange for food and even other supplies for the winter."

The old man bowed his head and raised his hands clasped together, "Blessed be the One." He then placed his hand on the tablet. The man's name rose up in golden writing for them both to see, as well as his Titles. Expert Carpenter. One who Persists. Like many before him he had few titles. The first showed his main profession and the second acknowledged that he was a man who could do hard work.

"From your Titles we can offer you jobs up to the 3rd tier Novice Adventuring Rank," Chloe spoke as she noted down his details. "However considering your age, please be mindful of your choices."

The older man looked regretful, "The higher jobs offer more rewards don't they?"

"In most cases yes, however the jobs are ranked in difficulty related to adventuring not payment. There are plenty novice jobs which will get you enough food for a few days. If you continue your work, even without the appropriate Titles we can allow you to take higher tier jobs."

He smiled, "Thank you kindly. You speak very well for your age."

Chloe grinned, "I was taught well. Please take this and head to the next counter." She gestured to where Lana stood frantically signing up as many people as she could as well as handing out jobs. It wasn't long till the next patron stepped in line and the process repeated.

Chloe was at awe with the change over the few weeks. All the tables on the lower floor were filled and many of those on the second floor were as well. It was almost just like what she pictured. The biggest difference were the adventurers. Here were ordinary people discussing the jobs that best suited them for food. They wore the pleasant thick wools of the North and carried no weapon.

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