Chapter 1: It's my job. (Part 2)

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2 months passed. Calendar year 342, 7th Month, 2nd Cycle. The air had become chilly and in the coming days would soon become freezing. The ice and frost that followed would make the road Mask now stood on incredibly difficult to traverse and only the truly determined or desperate would attempt the journey.

"Just in time," Mask breathed out as he stared at the walled city down the hill by the sea. The steep walls were already specked with white snow and the surroundings of the city, a blanket of white adorned with the occasional tree. As for how cities went, Toren was relatively small with a population of a few thousand. In the summer months it would become a hive of activity for those adventuring to the Artic but now close to winter, Mask was the only traffic for miles around.

He approached the main gate by foot making sure to observe the outer walls as he drew closer. Many sections were in need of repair and clearly neglected. While capable of defending from bandits or monsters it major purpose was to block the chilling winds that came down from the mountains and coast.

"Hail traveller!" a loud voice called from the guard house.

"Greetings guardsman," Mask replied and moved towards the armoured man. The guard was quite tall and well-built. His pale face, a common feature of those from the north, vastly contrasted his bright green eyes and red hair. While the armour he wore was clearly cared for, the overall quality was quite low.

"What brings you to Toren? You might actually be the last visitor in a long while," the guard greeted him with more positivity than Mask expected.

He replied in kind, "I'm an Adventurer. Thought I might work in the city during winter and when the ice melts head up to the Artic." Without needing to be asked Mask took out his identification.

"Corvis Kane," the guard nodded. "An advanced level martial artist and intermediate in magic to boot. I'm impressed. You'll have plenty of work from odd jobs, to slaying the occasional beast."

Mask took the fake identity back and smiled, "That's good to hear."

"If you're looking for a place to stay I suggest the Pill Berry Inn, it's close to the Adventurer's Guild and though a bit more expensive, a safe and comfortable place to lay your head."

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind." Mask paused and looked around.

"Is something wrong?" the guardsman picked up on his cue.

"Well I just thought you'd want me to pay an entrance tax."

The guard's face turned sour, "Adventurers are exempt, but to be honest you're lucky I was on duty. Not all the people here are on the proper page." His eyes flicked to the guardhouse were the echo of rough laughter could be heard. "The name's Ron. If you have trouble come find me."

"Should I expect much trouble?" Mask probed.

"Just stay to the lower district and keep a straight head. These days it's easy to catch the wrong person's attention. Unfortunately the law may not work to your benefit."

"It seems I may have come at a bad time," Mask purposefully became remorseful.

"Don't worry too much," Ron patted his shoulder. "Now you've come a long way so get some rest."

"I'll do that," Mask left and headed into the city. Beneath his mask a sly smile split. He may have just met a character that would be very useful.

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