Chapter 6: Shifting. (Part 4)

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Migter awoke cold and covered in stifling pain. He gasped and tried to move only to find he had been tied securely to a chair. A large room of cold grey stone and a single source of light coming from a lit lantern on the ground. He shivered as he spotted the one who had captured him. Corvis Kane, the man's back was turned.

"Where am I!?" Migter yelled as loud as he could in hopes of help.

"In a forgotten nook beneath the city wall," Mask replied simply. "Don't bother being loud, no one can hear past this room. As for your friend, I gave him a decent burial, though judging from the two of you it may be more than either of you deserved."

"Get off your fucking high horse," Migter continued to struggle. "In the end you'll be dragged through the mud."

"Oh no, don't get me wrong. In the end I probably don't deserve one either. It was just a courtesy."

His reply caused Migter to frown, he couldn't get a read on him. "You might as well just kill me. I don't know jack about what the city lord wants. I'm just a hired hand."

"I understood that much. I'm here to question you about something else."

"I don't know anything you'd need," Migter spat.

"Really now? Surely you haven't forgotten why you came to this city in the first place. Who you're looking for and why."

"You son of a bitch!" Migter realised as Mask turned his body to reveal his true mask. The bleached white mask with a polished crack down its left side and dark holes for eyes. "Fuck I should have known. Just you wait, Rector will-." A sudden force sealed his mouth.

"Rector will have his own time," Mask casually walked in front of him. "You'll speak only when needed." He took out an emblem of a black bird in flight, "Dark raven guild. You lot don't do simple work. Who hired you? Now think carefully before you answer, I'd rather not resort to torture but I can and will."

Migter who had been prepared to scream changed his mind as the black holes for eyes suppressed his spirit. As the spell on his lips faded he answered, "I don't know."

Mask raised his knife.

"Wait! I seriously don't fucking know," Migter yelled as he tried to edge away from the blade. "Rector's the only one who knew all the details. Our job was only transport."

"Then what do you know?"

"We were just hired to kidnap the girl and move her."

"Where from and where to?"

"Central Empire, we jumped them a day's ride out from the Capital. I don't know where to. Rector planned that part. I just know we were meant to head to Kalora, but then we got stuck here."

Mask flipped his knife in hand, "You really expect me to believe you knew nothing?" He stabbed the knife down into Migter's thigh causing the man to groan in pain, "Don't lie to me. I can tell when you're holding back."

"I'm not you crazy psychopath!"

Mask pulled out another knife, this time making a show to douse it in poison, the same poison Migter had used earlier.

"No stop!" Migter again tried to back away but couldn't. "Fine. I only heard bits and pieces but they were big wig types. Lots of money. The girl was heading for the church and it wasn't just us who attacked their convoy. The men who helped us, they- they- shit I can't remember, but they were experts."

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