Where'd He Go?!

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Tw(?): Kidnapping(Adultnapping heh)

Soon as the days started to pass by Starscream had felt safer in being in the arms and care of the Predacons, the thing or mech had possibly disappeared in Starscream's guesses.

He walked back inside Shockwave's lab as he was finished with a flight he (definitely) needed.

Luckily Sile' was being sparkling-sitting by the others so no worrying about that, though he needs to worry about himself, why? Well damn I don't know maybe because his stalker is still on the loose, damn fool[/J].

He looked around the lab, it was surprisingly empty, since Shockwave was known to practically always be in his lab due to experiments. Though strangely - he wasn't here.

"Shockwave? Are you there?" Starscream called out as he his words echoed in the lab, that's when he started to feel uneasy and tense like how he felt during the duration of time when his stalker still stalked him.

Or maybe 'it' didn't stop stalking him?

He wasn't so sure but he wasn't planning to stay if this feeling keeps going he might be better off leaving the suddenly tensed lab.

He looked around and wandered around, he never really had the chance to since he was pre-occupied with his protectors, well, protecting him and shielding him from any entities.

As he wandered his heels made a soft clicking sound while he arms were behind his back. Sure he didn't feel safe but that didn't mean he couldn't protect himself. Right? That was when he heard heavy footsteps coming towards his way.

Out of feeling he hid, the footsteps had gotten closer and heavier to the Seeker. When the footsteps had gotten to a stop a Grounder that had the frame of Knockout(only taller) had came to a view of his sight. They looked like the Predacon Darksteel but only that the blue was a darker shade, but their optics? Red with a shade of black.

Oh Starscream was not sure on who this was but he knew, they were trouble.

The unknown mech walked to the end of the hallway. "You know, I can see you." Said the mech which surprised the Seeker. Said Seeker, he got up and reveal himself to the mech and had crossed his arms.

"Great, you found me. Now do tell me who are you and why are you here?" Asked Starscream as he raised an optic ridge and tilted his helm sideways slightly.

"Oh, well you see. My designation is Nightwheel, now why did I come here? Well, for you, your majesty." Said Nightwheel as he bowed down in a mocking way. Starscream tensed up. How did he know he was royalty? He thoughted before shaking his helm slightly.

"I'm glad to know someone here actually respects me, though I wonder - why hadn't you just come and take me when I was accompanied? Or were you to scared to?" Mocked Starscream as he said sarcastically.

"We didn't want those Predacons to get alarmed you see." The dark blue Grounder said as he looked up at Starscream with those menacing optics.

"Wait, what do you mean by we?" Asked Starscream before Nightwheel laughed and stood up straight. "Look behind you." He said before he pointed behind Starscream.

Starscream looed behind and he saw another Grounder that looked almost identical to Nightwheel, though their paint jobs were a dark shade of red accompanied with black and yellow. Optics? The same thing with Nightwheel.

"Great, more company. Now who are you?" Asked Starscream as he pointed to the dark red Grounder. "Goresteel at your service, your majesty." Said the darkened red Grounder.

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