Take Flight

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For the next few days after the incident on where Silentscream got a dent Starscream had decided to randomly drop Sile' from time to time for fun.

Others were concerned while some were actually quite furious like example; Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout and Breakdown. They had said it was dangerous for Starscream to drop the little Seekerlet even from his servos, but alas he kept doing it.

It wasn't much of a concern that Starscream did it from his height which left Sile' unfazed, but when Starscream had decided to put Sile' on a chair or table to push the little sparkling off was when the workers started to get concerned and confused.

But by each earth week he kept increasing the height of the object.

He started by putting Sile' on a chair,

To a table,

To himself,

To Breakdown,

To Megatron,

To a shelf taller than Megatron,

Until to Predaking(when he did come), that's when they had prevented him to push Sile' from anywhere else.

The whole deal was that if Starscream had dropped his sparkling more meaning he gets more work, if he gets more work that means he couldn't spend time with sparkling, which was kind of a good yet bad thing, sure it would help him get more rest but then it meant having his anxiety reach it's limit of leaving Sile' all alone with those irresponsible 'cons, though Xav', Steve and Soundwave were an exeption, especially Xav and Steve because Soundwave is more busy than they are.

So he finally stopped the whole dropping his sparkling thing.

After a few earth weeks of not doing it they finally decided to give Sile' back to his carrier.

What they didn't know was that Starscream had STILL dropped Sile' from certain height. Of course he sometimes had to carry a pillow or two in his chasis so that a loud 'thud' wouldn't be heard. There were times on where he almost got caught.

------------------- 1 ---------------------

Starscream had looked around the room he and Sile' was with and when the coast was clear he started the whole dropping the little Seekerlet thing start once again.

Though what he didn't notice was that Knockout and Breakdown were coming towards the room he and Sile' were in while talking together.

Starscream threw Sile' in the air  and hearing gears moving but stopped before hitting the ground with a loud thud.

Knockout and Breakdown heard the loud thud and had looked over on where had that come from. "What's going on in there?!" Yelled Knockout before running towards the room with Breakdown trailing behind.

Starscream panicked slightly and had punched himslelf harshly in the arm making a dent while he hissed in slight pain. That was when Knockout came in with a worried expression before seeing Starscream holding his arm groaning. "Sile' don't run around the room like that!" Yelled Starscream as the Seeker hoped this would be convincing enough. Fortunately it was. He explained the whole situation on where Sile' had been running around making Starscream chase after him but then while mid-chase Sile' turned a sharp left making Starscream crash into the wall.

------------------ 2 -------------------

The second time was when Starscream had taken the little Seekerlet with him during work in secret and decided to bring Sile' with him into the Energon Mine.

During inside the Energon Mine he took Sile' out of his chasis and looked around the cave hoping no one was watching or listening.

"Ready Sile'?" Asked Starscream as he looked at his sparkling, Sile' nodded happily before throwing Sile' up in the air.

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