Chapter 32: All to safe Liam.

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After a long dash through the lands, the group finally reached their target. They halted on a hill, a short way before their actual target. Before them, the grand cathedral of the golden order towered in all its pristine magnificence, but none of them were awed by the sight. For Theresa, it was a reminder of what the golden order had done to her. For Kiara, it was a symbol of the oppression and the fear for her life she had to live with on a daily basis.

Raya on the other hand had none of this. She didn't look at the cathedral with disgust, hatred, or sorrow. For her, it was a target.

Nothing more, nothing less.

As Raya had anticipated, after their last Intrusion, the defenses around the cathedral and its surrounding city had increased. Sneaking in would be sufficiently harder. As Raya planned a route to take, Kiara landed next to her.

As a harpy, Kiara had the ability to fly even if only for a short time. She used this ability to scout a lot when she and her team were hunting or on a quest, and she did so again at Raya's order.


"I don't think sneaking in will be viable," Kiara said, "You have a map of the premise don't you?"

Raya cracked a fake smile before speaking, her voice brimming with sarcasm, "I would never have something like that."

As she finished her sentence, a rainbow-colored map appeared beside them on the ground. It was unlike Theresa's map ability as it was a three-dimensional rendering of the city with every building being present.

Theresa put her jealousy aside as she inspected the map.

"They ramped up the zone of truth's effectiveness," Kiara explained, "So no teleportation or invisibility. They also positioned far more guards on every entryway and along the walls."

"A zone of truth this size must have a huge catalyst somewhere," Theresa replied.

While Theresa had little knowledge of how most blessings and blessing abilities worked, she still knew that there were catalyst rituals from the ritual book Milia gave her. It was a ritual that could be implanted with a blessing ability to make the ability last longer and be more effective.

"My thoughts exactly," Kiara continued, before turning towards the cathedral and the surrounding city, "see anything out of place?"

Theresa and Raya all looked over and scanned. After a short while, they spotted a tower near the main cathedral that was not on Raya's map.

"So it's in there?" Theresa wondered.

"It's my best guess," Kiara replied, "The catalyst needs to be placed high to get sufficient range. Unless they placed it somewhere in the cathedral, which I obviously doubt, it should be in there."

"Alright," Raya said, "Valid point. Any suggestions on how to deal with it?"

In truth, Raya had countless plans on hand to get in, but they all involved only, at most one person more. She could probably figure out something that would include them all, but she did not bother. As everyone thought of plans, a screen appeared before Theresa.



The status of your bonded soul has shifted to critical levels.


Much to Raya's surprise, Theresa spoke up.

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