Chapter 17: It's a lucky find

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Sarvo headed into town on his own, while the rest of the group settled inside of the 'Dark Dream'. During this time of day, just before sundown, Deepstone was always busy. This stemmed from the budding nightlife that the Deepstones economy depended on. From bars and taverns to brothels and casinos, Deepstone had everything. While this was enticing for common people that searched for a break, it was also a breeding ground for people with more sinister intentions.

As a consequence of this, Deepstone had no outpost of the adventurer's guild. Instead, it had a message board near the town square on which the guild posted assignments periodically.

As Sarvo approached the board he was pleasantly surprised to see it was cleared well. Sarvo became an adventurer to keep his surroundings safe to protect those that couldn't fight, so seeing only a few assignments posted plastered a smile across his face. There still were a few however.

Nothing too unique stood out, simple monsters, lost items, and a single missing person poster. Apparently, some guy has gone missing in the woods a little further north. He grabbed a single poster of the board and took it with him back to the 'inn'.

"So succubi aren't sex demons in this world?" Theresa asked, to which Amelia shook her head.

"They are not purely sex demons," she corrected, "They feed on any of the seven sins, it's just that they are particularly good at lust."

Milia chimed in as well, "It bothers me more that you know what succubi are, Theresa."

"They are a myth in our world as well," she replied, wondering about the whole issue. How was it that what was myth in one world was fact here? Could there be a connection between these two worlds? Was that how Chalkydri could move her between worlds, was that just something blessers and monsters could? All of these thoughts raced through her head again, but she halted before the trails of thought got out of hand.

"Back to topic," Theresa shook her head to clear her thoughts, "What do you mean with 'feed on sins'?"

"Exactly that," Amelia replied, "They don't have to eat or drink. Their entire system runs on magic power which they can regenerate by absorbing the sin magic within people as well as just eating normally."

"Sin magic?" Theresa asked, but before anyone could answer Sarvo came back into the room. All eyes were on him.

"Got anything?" Milia asked.

"Of course," Sarvo said as he sat down at the table and pulled out a poster, "Urgent assignment, Viridian tier or higher."

Theresa wondered why 'viridian tier' did not get translated but didn't bat an eye about it. Her main thought was on the rest of the group who looked excited.

"A viridian tier urgent assignment?" Milia asked excitedly, "It's been ages since we got one of these!"

"This surely will be fun," Amelia said.

Even Javen looked excited, although it was hard to tell as he currently devouring a sandwich.

"It's a lucky find," Sarvo added, "It is on the way we are traveling. We can take care of it tomorrow and only slightly change our timetable."

Theresa looked on before speaking her mind, "Aren't you guys under-leveled for this assignment?"

"No, not really," Sarvo explained showing the poster to Theresa so she could read it better.

Viridian Urgent Assignment:

A sin dragon nest has been spotted northeast of Deepstone, in the Dirkal Forrest. The monster, along with any nest or offspring has to be exterminated.

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