Chapter 13: Consequence of your bonded souls

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The next day, at the break of dawn, the group started dismantling the tent while Sarvo talked over the assignment with the foreman of the mine about getting rid of the imp source and infestation.

All were on their feet already except for Theresa, who had been lifted into the wagon, courtesy of Javen. While she was awake, her body and especially her head were anything but. Increasing your overall-level turned out to be incredibly strenuous for the body, while the book absorption that Milia forced upon her last night gave her mind the rest.

It was way past noon when her head stopped spinning and she was responsive again.

"When did we leave?" She asked, grabbing her head.

"A few hours ago," Amelia replied, handing her a piece of bread and a waterskin, "Not only did you skip food yesterday evening, but also breakfast and lunch today. That's not good and you know that."

"Gee thanks mom," Theresa said, before devouring the bread in a few bites and emptying the waterskin.

"So how does it feel to be level two?" Amelia asked after Theresa was done eating.

"I only feel pain and exhaustion," Theresa said, "Almost like my last birthday, just less cake."

"Welcome to the club," Sarvo laughed, "We two are the oldest here after all."

"Not by a lot," Milia chimed in.

"Not at all actually," Amelia corrected them gaining annoyed grunts from the entire group, "What?"

"Elves' age doesn't count," Javen said flatly, "You're barely 18 in elven years. No matter that you've been born 97 years ago."

"That's racist and you know that," Amelia laughed while punching Javen on the shoulder.

"Hold on," Milia interrupted from the front, "Are you even legal Amelia?"
"I am now," She said, flashing Milia a devilish smile, "Seven Years ago I wasn't."

"To clarify, you started it back then. I am not liable."

"Of course not," Amelia laughed, rolling her eyes, "But anyhow. You're abilities likely have leveled up as well. Anything fanciful?"

"Now that you mention that," Theresa replied, opening the 'help' window.



Your abilities: Heaven's knowledge; Spectral sensitivity; Lightsmith,

have reached level 2 and subsequently have gained new strength.


"Care to elaborate?" Theresa thought.





Three screens formed around Theresa, blinding her with the rainbow-colored light from all sides.

"Goddamit help screen!" She complained. The experience of leveling up and absorbing the massive book was very smiliar to a heavy hangover. To say she wasn't pleased by the gleaming screens was an understatement.



Spectral Sensitivity.

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