Chapter 30: For your Eyes only.

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 As the night passed, both adventurer groups woke up in the treehouse settlement. They decided to spend the night there at Farris' request. Of course, Farris himself was busy all night trying to convince his band of bandits and mercenaries that the people that beat and chained them up last night were allies. It took some effort to get everyone on board with the idea, but in the end, they were loyal to their leader and even more loyal to the money Farris offered.

Milia was the first to wake up properly, waking up her team shortly after.

"Hey, wake up money boy," she murmured as she shook Sarvo, who woke up with no issues before she turned to Javen and Amelia, "You two as well."

They both rose from their blankets, looking very unhappy about waking up early.

"Why do we have to get up this early again?" Javen complained.

"We didn't have to get up early," Milia corrected, "But we should get going as soon as possible."

"I want to be back in Ravensmith the day after tomorrow," Sarvo added, while both Amelia and Javen looked incredibly unhappy, "Come on you two, you can go back to sleep in the wagon."

After a short moment of internal struggles, they both got up, albeit with half-closed eyes, and hunched over.

"That's the spirit!" Milia joked.

"The wagon's still in Gravetree no?" Amelia asked.

"Yes?" Milia confirmed questioning.

"I'm gonna come pick you up," Amelia continued as she stretched, "Gonna be here in like an hour."

Milia and Sarvo shared a cautious glance before nodding. In a blur, Amelia was gone.

"Welp," Javen said, "Back to bed I go."

Neither Sarvo nor Milia said anything. They just walked off, into a different part of the tree village. Once again they were amazed at how spacious the village actually was. They didn't speak for a short while, but Sarvo was the first to break the silence.

"It's nice being on the road again," He chuckled.

Milia looked at him for a few moments before bursting out in laughter. It took her a considerable amount of time to calm down again.

"What's so funny about that?" Sarvo asked as she calmed herself.

"I just love how awkward you get when you are unsure how to say something," Milia replied, wiping the tears of laughter from her eyes, "What's really on your mind."

Sarvo sighed, "I don't know honestly. I have this gut feeling that something is about to go really, really bad."

"You're talking about Theresa?" Milia asked, "I don't have a good feeling about it either."

"So why didn't we stop her?" Sarvo continued.

"You really want to stand in her way when her husband's life is on the line?" Milia chuckled, "Not a chance."

"I guess you're right," Sarvo replied, "So what about us now?"

"Lying low for the time being," Milia said, "That's what Raya told us at least."

"Yeah, but what is lying low for you?" Sarvo gave a slight chuckle.

"I'd say keep the questing up," Milia answered, "Besides, I bet you that Javen will break the door again once we get home. We need to pay for that somehow."

"We are not bad off with cash you know?" Sarvo said.

"But we made a dip with the house extension, no?"

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