Chapter 7: Mumbling about bunnies

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Come next morning. The group found themselves in a yard behind the house. The group as in Milia, Amelia and Theresa. Javen and Sarvo were still dealing with paperwork and more importantly, replacing the broken door.

"Slept well?" Amelia asked as Milia and Theresa walked into the yard.

"Pretty well actually," Theresa lied.

"You kept your hands to yourself, Milia?" Amelia asked.

"Of course I did," Milia pouted, "My bed is large enough to fit both of us, even without cuddling."

"I'd still prefer to have a room to myself," Theresa said, "No offense Milia."

"None taken."

"We really should get a guest room," Amelia acknowledged, "But let's focus on your training first."

"What do you got in mind?" Theresa asked, to which Amelia wore a sly smile.

"I'm gonna whip you into shape," She said.

The yard was split in two. The left side was mostly a garden, with a small camping table. The other half was filled with different training equipment. Some actual training devices looked oddly specific like a few from Theresa's homeworld. Like a rowing machine and an indoor cycle, along with monkey bars and a tall wall to climb.

Amelia leads Theresa through a vigorous training routine. Day after day she trained.

"I really could need a break," Theresa panted, four days into the daily hard training.

"You can still move your legs and arms?" She asked.

"Barely," Theresa replied tiredly.

"Then you can train," Amelia pulled Theresa onto her legs, "Tell me when you can't."

A few days later, Theresa was stuck in bed, unable to move due to fatigue. There was a loud knocking on the door.

"You good Theresa?" Amelia's voice rang outside, "Can I come in?

"Yeah..." Theresa said weakly.

The door opened and in came Amelia, along with strong sunlight, "Can't move?" She asked.


"There," Amelia placed a vial of green liquid in Theresa's hand, "Drink."

She didn't even ask what it was. She just undid the cork and emptied the vial in one go. It tasted incredibly bitter, like strong medicine, and immediately warmed her up from the inside. The fatigue, and most importantly the pain immediately left her body.

"What was this?" Theresa asked with newfound power.

"Stamina potion," Amelia said, "Tier-one so it shouldn't be too potent."

"No kidding?" Theresa asked, "I feel like a new person."

"Good," Amelia's sly smile returned, "That means you can train again."

"Sure!" Theresa said enthusiastically as she climbed out of bed.

Amelia looked her over Theresa, "Looks comfy."

"My pajamas?" Theresa asked, "Yes they are."

And so the training continued. Every time fatigue befell Theresa she took another stamina potion. During that time she also absorbed a few more books, on Sarvo's recommendation that is.

"If you really can absorb books," He told her one day, "You should pick up on some useful skills. Potion making would be great as well as some general knowledge of the world. They should also come in handy for increasing your cognition."

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