Chapter 15: Pain helps us grow after all

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Break of dawn, next day the group prepared to leave. Barrels of rations, along with a few luxuries like liquor were hauled into the wagon

Only Theresa herself was not helping, as she headed to the adventurers guild outpost to get her insignia and finalize her entry into the guild. For the first time, there actually were people in the large hall. A few dozen men, all clad in leather or chain armor and donning different kinds of weapons.

All eyes were on Theresa as she strolled to the counter. She was the only woman in the room, and not a bad-looking one at that. The long, white leather coat and the decently tight pants, bearing lots of darts and vials made a pleasant image, which only got enhanced by her stride.

There was a decent amount of whistles and yowling as she passed, which she gave no mind. Not even the untasteful comments that flew her way changed that.

"Ah, Lady van der Woud," The man behind the counter greeted her, "Here to pick up your insignia I presume."

"Yes I am," Theresa replied cheerfully, "But there is something else I wanted to ask."

"What is it?" the man asked in a similar cheerful tone.

"Did you by chance write down my race?"

"I did," he replied "Human I presumed."

"It's 'foreigner' actually."

Amelia made it clear to her at last evening's dinner that, even though she looked like a human, her race is now foreigner, which comes with its own advantages and disadvantages.

All races had some bonuses, but foreigners had none. But that also includes the fact that they don't have any disadvantages inherent to their race. Elves, for example, were unaffected by lesser poisons like alcohol and got significantly older on average, but they also progressed their attributes much slower, although they were able to ignore the level cap on attributes. Generally, elves were considered to be the strongest race.

"Ah, I see," The man replied, "Although this will only affect the paperwork and not anything of significance."

Along with the reaction of the man behind the counter, the loud mob of men quieted down a little, filled only with murmurs, "A foreigner?" "Here?" "I've never seen one myself," and "Are all of them so sexy?". But like before, Theresa gave them no mind.

"I'd like to have it match the truth if that's possible," Theresa replied to which the man readily agreed.

"I shall do it at once, but before that," the man pulled out a small black container that looked like a ring box, which he opened carefully, "Please, take this."

Inside was a silver gemstone that sparkled like a diamond. It had an iridescent shine to it, which seemed to be of magical nature.

"This is an insignia gem of the adventurers guild," The man explained, "Once you touch it, your soul will leave an imprint on it which can be used to identify you as a member of the guild. Please always have it on you, in whichever way you see fit."

Theresa grabbed the gemstone between her fingers. As soon as she touched it they turned into a dark grey tone, which was filled with rainbow-colored veins. It looked like volcanic stone which cracked only to reveal a geode inside. As she turned the gem between her finger a rainbow-colored screen appeared before her.


Insignia Gem (adventures guild); Heroic

A gemstone that gets imprinted by your soul. It is a sign of membership in the adventurers guild. These gemstones have the ability to be tracked by the group administering them.

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