Chapter 25: I shall await you with open arms.

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Theresa was creating planes of light in the garden of their current stay, carefully trying to step on them. She could in fact put her weight onto the planes, but lost balance as she fully tried to stand on them, landing on her back in the grass.

She sighed out loud, getting up and creating the planes once more and trying again. While she was satisfied with her current abilities, the utility she saw Raya display in the cathedral hall using the light as a staircase made Theresa think about her capabilities.

At first, she wasn't quite sure what to make of the level two ability she gained on "light smith" but the more she thought about what it could do, the more she realized how valuable it was.



Light smith

You can conjure light into any shape you want. The light intensity can be changed and the light is immaterial.

Level 2: You can physically affect the light created by the ability, but they remain immaterial for others. You can choose this effect to be activated as you create the shape. The activation of this effect increases mana cost to 'small'.


Her mind was racing as she saw Raya use it to great effect, wanting to experiment with all possibilities, but trying to just walk across them seemed incredibly difficult. As Theresa stood on them, they started swaying. The planes were not fixed points in space, instead of more like floating platforms. When she stood on them, they moved with every small movement of Theresa. It was not too far off from walking a slack rope if a slack rope was a floating square that swings in 4 directions instead.

Falling to the grass once more, shaking it off, and getting up once more, ready to create another try, Theresa felt strangely dizzy.

"What's this now," She said, as a headache started creeping into her head.



Health: 99%

Internal magic: 4%




Strength: Level 2

Dexterity: Level 2

Cognition: Level 3

Vitality: Level 2




Theresa groaned out loud.

"Low mana?" Amelia asked from the crown of the tree in the garden.

"Apparently?" Theresa said, not even questioning why Amelia was lounging in the tree, "Never happened to me before."

"You didn't have abilities that cost any mana before," Amelia laughed, "Want to continue? I can offer some mana potions."

"Nah, I'll stop here today," Theresa said, "Maybe I get some progress tomorrow."

"Taking breaks is good," Amelia laughed, "So what are you up to now?"

"Don't know actually," Theresa wondered out loud, "Maybe take a bath?"

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