Chapter 20: Every second counts

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After close to three days of traveling at a fast pace and only one stop for rest, the group reached the Cathedral of the Golden order. The first thing that came into view was the three enormous spires of the church. Enormous didn't do them justice however, they were comparable to middle eastern skyscrapers in Theresa's old world, both in height and ostentatiousness. Every level was clearly well-detailed from the outside.

After that came the surrounding building. Risen up on an artificial hill, it was similarly huge, enormous in its own right but heavily overshadowed by the three spires that stood on its corners. It looked more like a great mosque than a cathedral. The building's style of architecture was also more akin to Muslim mosques. Dome-like structures interlaced over and over standing on a great round hall.

Finally, the surrounding town came into view. It was less awe-striking than the great cathedral, not far from medieval German architecture with white stucco facades, bracketed with thick wooden bars and orange tiled roofs. It was certainly a cleaner view than on Deepstone or Ravensmith but with the great cathedral in the back, it never stood a chance. As this town was only inhabited by members of the golden order it was never named, just being part of the great cathedral of the golden order.

"Javen? " Amelia asked as they drew closer, "You were part of the golden order, what is it they even do again?"

"They provide order in places that they deem unruly," Javen replied, "The 'what they deemed' part is why I left."

"So why did they build such a great cathedral here?" Amelia asked again.

"Deepstone, Norvim, Limmstatt, Cromworl," Javen replied flatly, "Do you want me to continue?"

"Hey don't slander on Cromworl like that," Milia replied immediately, "It might be a shit hole, but..."

She trailed off, realizing she didn't have anything positive to say, "Anyways! Let's focus on rescuing Theresa!"

"We can't just ride into town and ask for her," Javen said, "We can't even drive into town uncontested for that matter, and rushing down the gates would be an open crime."

"We'll have to sneak in," Raya replied, "Still illegal, but at least, if everything works we won't be spotted."

"I do actually have a better plan," Javen said, getting all eyes locked on him.

There was a small wall around the town with guard posts at every gate. As it was a relatively calm day the guards stationed were relaxed. The sun was setting, if anything weird would end up happening it would be later. The cover of midnight would be a far greater advantage. Such were the thoughts of one of the guards stationed at the west gate. The only thing that had happened that day was some unconscious woman was carried in by an official.

On the far horizon, he saw a carriage drawn by two large horses. A man, wearing full plate armor and wearing a closed helmet was driving it. As the wagon drew closer the guard recognized the golden order insignias on the helmet and armor.

The wagon halted next to the guard.

"Good evening!" The man in armor greeted him in a charismatic voice, "I found some 'adventurers' who were performing illegal rituals on my way here. Is grandmaster Boril present so he can take care of them?"

"Good evening," the guard replied, "No he is not. You can throw 'em into the dungeon like the rest of the filth for now. Can I take a look at them?"

"Go ahead."

The guard circled back around and took a look inside. There were four people, reduced down to shirts and pants, chained up. They sat upright, heads hanging. The guard looked closer at the shackles.

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