Chapter 22: Let's hope for the best

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Milia did not hesitate a moment, she recognized Theresa's voice, no matter what. Her mind was on getting Theresa somewhere safe again, immediately going for the shackles holding her.

"Don't!" Theresa barked at Milia as she reached for the shackles. Milia yelped in surprise, stopping dead, just before them.

"Negation shackles," Raya said as she came closer, "I can undo them."

As she finished her last words, she created ritual circles around the shackles. Theresa protested, but as the ritual ring formed, there was no pain running through her body. When she realized that, she went quiet again. The ritual was pretty complex, utilizing a couple of shapes, even separators to make sure things worked as intended and isolated. Theresa could not see the ritual properly.

"This will hurt for a moment," Raya said, as the ritual started. There was an immense shock of pain running through her body, but only for a moment. It went by so fast that she didn't even get to yelp in pain. Just like that, she was free of all shackles.

Theresa had no power in her body whatsoever. The moment her shackles were undone, she fell to her knees, leaning backwards against the wall. With what little energy she had, she probed her head, feeling the horns that sprouted out of her forehead.

"They forced an absorption ritual on me," Theresa said, voice tired, "The sin and demon crystals I carried on me.."

"We came here as fast as we could," Milia said, wrapping Theresa in a tight hug, her eyes tearing up, "I'm so sorry it came to this."

"It's not your fault," Theresa faked a smile with all her might, placing her hands awkwardly on Milia's shoulder and sinking her face into her friend.

"Sorry to break the moment," Raya broke the moment, "But we really should get going. The golden order places surveillance spells on these shackles. This place will be swarming with guards in no time."

"You're right," Milia said, as she turned around and hoisted Theresa onto her back, "We should get going."

"I'm not leaving without it," Theresa muttered, as she gently pushed against Milia.

"Without what?" Milia asked as Theresa shoved her right hand into her view, "Your ring?"

"He..." Theresa said slowly, "Said that he offered it back to the gods."

"I know where it is in that case," Javen said, taking the lead, "I believe your armor and clothes will also be there."

"Hmh," Theresa nodded.

They made their way out of the cell, through the hall, and down the tower again. They were no guards approaching them, contrary to what they expected. Even as they reached the bottom, all that stood before them were the guards that Amelia knocked out previously, who got up again. They were clearly the same, judging from the thick dents on their helmets. Amelia did her job once more, quickly and efficiently dispatching them before they even realized the adventurers.

Javen did not lead them on a direct route out of the complex, but down numerous hallways, always carefully avoiding detection under Raya's command. Eventually, they stood before a pair of great doors.

"I'll let you guys know already," Javen said, "If someone is inside of there we will end up fighting."

"Then let's hope for the best," Sarvo replied calmly, as Javen opened the door.

Inside was an enormous hall, reminiscent of the church hall back in Ravensmith, but much more ornamental. The style of architecture, with its incredibly high ceiling and the abundance of arches, reminded Theresa of churches and cathedrals near her home, but the decorations and ornaments seemed much more at home with eastern monasteries.

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