Chapter 28: It's past tense now.

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The next morning after Theresa decided to stay, the group made its way into Gravetree's town center. Like most towns and cities that have an adventurers guild outpost, it was right next to the city hall. When they cleared the last corner, they were greeted by the sight of a few adventurers, all in full gear.

As they approached them, it became clear that it was a single group, standing by as if they were waiting for someone. There were five in total. Not only were they of varying genders, being three men and one woman but also of different races.

There was an elve and a human male. Theresa did not recognize the races of the other two. One would best be described as a human male with silver skin and long black hair. The girl was of short stature, with claws for legs and feathered wings for arms, along with long tail feathers which almost reached the floor.

"Sarvo! You're here too?" One human man greeted Sarvo enthusiastically, snaring him in a friendly hug.

The man was huge, towering a full head's height above Sarvo. He was well built and wearing leather armor, along with a meticulously detailed stave hanging from his belt.

"We've been traveling through," Milia explained, as Sarvo was too busy shaking the man off himself, "Got caught up in the whole mess."

"You guys are far from home," The bird woman replied, "On a quest or for leisure?"

She was wearing an almost identical leather armor

"Technically neither," Sarvo said as he finally freed himself of the embrace, "We're helping a friend to get somewhere."

The tall man turned his attention to the rest of the group, spotting Theresa immediately.

"I imagine you are talking about this beauty," He said with a smile, as he approached Theresa, reaching out his hand, "My name's Lance!"

Theresa reached out to shake his hand, "Theresa."

"A demon kin?" the bird woman asked.

"Succubi," the silver-skinned man said, "See those wings?"

"A succubi?" Lance asked with wide-opened eyes and a wry smile, "I do hope we get along in that case."

Theresa squeezed his hand with force, enough to make him yelp, but not change her otherwise friendly surface, "I am taken."

"Alright alright," He surrendered in a fake hurt voice.

"You always have to do this," The bird girl scolded him like a mother, "One day you'll die like that."

"You can't expect me not to be interested in beautiful women."

"I expect you to have manners."

"You're no fun, Kiara."

"You're too much fun!" She scolded back.

"While these two keep at it, my name's Ranu," The silver-skinned man said as Lance and Kiara fell into an argument. His voice was incredibly smooth, which along with his outlandish looks gave him a very sophisticated aura.

Theresa's eyes shifted to the elve after introducing herself to Ranu as well. His eyes meet Theresa's, which immediately spooked him. Abashed he turned to the side.

"Don't worry about him," Ranu explained, "This is Mana. He's not great around women."

"Tha-That's not true," he said shaking through his teeth, "It's ju-just-"

"I know, I know," Ranu stopped him, "You're not great around people. Which for some reason only triggers when there is another girl besides Kiara."

Milia snuck up behind the elve and gave him a full hug, "You're always so adorable Mana," she laughed as he yelped in surprise.

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