He was telling them to connect the dots, but he himself could not understand what was happening. Yoongi quickly jumped out of the high-speed train of thoughts and back to normal.

- ... unless I was dreaming. Yes, I think I dreamed about another case. I'm sorry, guys. - he said.

- Here's a coffee, Mr. Min. Now you can slowly start from the beginning. - a policeman handed him a hot liquid in a paper cup. Yoongi wiped his sweaty face with his palm, took another breath, and then started.

- Sebastian invited us last night to celebrate the New Year together. Which is tonight, and then... - he paused. He had a reason for that.

What if his story doesn't match the other stories?

How did the idiots not tell him their plan?

Now he just has to rely on how well he knows them, to interpret what they will say. He could only pray to all the Gods in the universe that the stories would match.

He shook off his stressful thoughts and continued.

- Then we started celebrating. We all had dinner together, and after dinner we went to the parlor. At one point, Sebastian came out, probably to make a call or whatever, I don't know. We quickly heard a knock on the door, I opened it and we saw Sebastian's driver. He told us that he brought some of his things that Sebastian must have forgotten... we let him in and we went back to the parlor. And after some time we went to the kitchen to check where Sebastian had gone, right?

- Is that what you're asking us, Mr. Min? - asked one of those present.

- No, no... I'm just replaying the scenes out loud in my head.. let me continue. When we entered the kitchen, we saw a dead guy, who was there to help. We decided to contact the police, and then...

- Sebastian called us. - said the policeman, giving the chief of police a cold look.

- Yes, yes... we assumed that... but on the way to the parlor, we saw Sebastian dead in the pantry. We were all shocked...

- Mr. Min... Yoongi, I will call you by your first name, because you are close to me. You taught me everything, how to read people, how to recognize when somebody is lying... - then he looked again at the man in front of him and Yoongi could only swallow the lump in his throat.

He got so tangled that it's hard to find a way out. That's why plans were inevitable for him. He had to think fast. He had to find a way out, for the sake of his brothers.

- Why did you tell us that you killed Sebastian?

The question was very good. Straight to the point, just as he taught them himself.

- Look, it's no secret that none of us liked the priest. He was slimy and cold... I will not say anything more about what he really was like. There were times when I wanted to kill him, I admit. But that is only figuratively speaking.

- Ok, go on. What happened to the others?

- When we found Sebastian, we suspected the driver, and we split up to find him. We searched everything, and in the end Taehyung realized that we didn't search the secret passage. When we got inside, we found the driver there. I've been to crime scenes so many times, that from the first glance I concluded someone had moved the body. All suspicion fell on the second boy from the kitchen who had disappeared. Because you know, there were two of them, I didn't say that, did I? He has disappeared. And we continued our search, you know, until you arrive. However, someone rang the doorbell before you. It was a policeman. And you can only imagine the relief we all felt. - Yoongi laughed at his lies and kept wondering what he was doing.

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