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"I will investigate that matter. As for your sentence, you will be living on the 4th floor of the palace, one room beside Soobin's, and will be taking lessons on royalty from Soobin. Of course, you will be given suppressants and required medicines regularly in order to avoid the same incidence."

Everyone present in the courtroom, save for the king, was in a state of utter shock. But Yeonjun was sure no one over there could be even more surprised and flabbergasted than himself. 

Yeonjun slowly processed all the brain in his information, trying to draw sensible conclusions. 

1) He wasn't going to die. Yet. 

2) He wasn't going to prison. Yet.

3) He wasn't going to be forced to work as a servant. Yet. 

4) He wasn't going to live in dirty, stinky rooms. Yet.

...Wait, wasn't this a great thing for Yeonjun? Oh my, Yeonjun had no idea that their king was such a kind and generous man. 

Yeonjun shook his head. Who was he trying to fool over here? It was obvious to any common peasant that the king had something to hide or cover up, presumably involving the pink vial that Yeonjun had seen the young dude carrying when he snuck into the palace. 

There was also the fact that Yeonjun had seen too much. Obviously, they couldn't kill Yeonjun yet. Out of all the citizens in Dominia, Yeonjun was the only one who knew something about the mysterious man with the pink vial. Sure, Yeonjun hadn't seen the man's face but he was sure that if he heard the guy speak he'd be able to recognize him.  

Hence, the other option the king had was to leave Yeonjun alive. But of course, other than the royal family, Yeonjun was the only one who knew that the crown prince was an omega. And now Yeonjun also knew that the prince was converted into an omega. 

Which made no sense to Yeonjun. How could an alpha turn into an omega? Yeonjun looked at the royal family in front of him, towering. He felt so minor and minuscule in front of them. They were obviously in a completely different league than Yeonjun but for some reason, Yeonjun was being dragged with them and their royal secrets. 

Yeonjun stole at the crown prince, Soobin. Soobin so far had the most neutral expression out there but now, he had a look of utter horror on his face. Soobin turned towards his dad. 

The king gave one glance at Soobin. Well, not really a glance, he practically glared at Soobin and Soobin had no choice but to turn away. Soobin may be the crown prince but he was still under the king and had no choice but to obey his commands. 

"Any objections?" asked the king, though it wasn't really a question. Who would dare disobey the king?

"Good. The court is dismissed. Soobin, you can escort this young man to his new room. I'm sure you know where it is." said the king. 

Soobin was the first one to get up, his face back to his neutral expression. But Yeonjun wasn't sure if he imagined it or not, but he swore he saw Soobin glare at him before getting up. 

Soobin walked down towards Yeonjun and said, "Follow me." 

Yeonjun bowed down to the rest of the royal family sitting and then quietly followed Soobin. 


Soobin had to do a lot. It took him so much, so much, not to take his sword out and slash this intruder's head. 

Until now, Soobin had simply felt pity for the intruder, Yeonjun. He thought, being a commoner, Yeonjun would be overwhelmed by the palace, and that lead to a couple of mishaps here and there. That's it. He wasn't even annoyed or livid by the fact that Yeonjun, this mere commoner, had basically forced himself on Soobin. 

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