Chapter 15: Sports Festival Part 5, Tournament Finals

Começar do início

I pulled the mask back up before stepped out to face the surprisingly concerned red eyes waiting for me on the arena floor.

"What the hell are you doing out here?!" Bakugo yells at me once I walk out. I simply pull the mask down and smirk arrogantly at him in response before placing it back up and taking a battle stance. "I'm going to kick your ass back into that recovery bed!! You better be prepared for an even harder fight, Airhead! I'm not fucking going easy on you because you're tired, and you better come at me with everything you've got!"

"Begin!" Midnight calls out, only this time it's with worry. I don't know why everyone's so worried about me, several other of the students got knocked out during their fights and then patched up by the nurse.

Bakugo wastes no time in launching himself at me with his explosions. I know my quirk isn't the best to use carelessly against him, we already figured that out when we sparred together. My fighting and reactions will come into play more here in this fight. I dodge and strike as we exchange back and forth blows, but I start to feel the fatigue hitting in pretty strong. I take off into the sky to try and gain some distance so I can have a break from his attacks, but he just follows me up.

"You can't fly away from me, dumbass!" He yells as he maneuvers really well in the air. I start to feel my throat feeling a little better, so I start to taunt him.

"You're in my turf now, Baku-bitch." I sneer at him as I use the wind to throw off all his attacks. I then purposefully keep him in the air once he's realized his mistake, not letting him land as I strike and counter some more. I can feel myself winning, but it's only for a moment.

Bakugo's reaction times are freaking seamless, and his use of his quirk is as effortless as breathing, something that's already a struggle for me right now. He manages to ground me after only a minute in the sky, largely in contribution to my fatigue, but also because he's just really talented. He managed to get just a little bit above me in the air and sent me plummeting to the ground with a huge explosion, one I barely diverted the flames of but couldn't stop the impact into the arena floor.

I feel my quirk getting more and more difficult to use as my muscles grow tight from overuse and my mind begs me for sleep. My hits grow sloppy, slow, and weaker as he keeps getting stronger. This isn't how I wanted this fight to go, and I can see the loud blonde snapping in front of me as I'm resorting to just running away from his attacks.

"Fight fucking back! You're stronger than this, you asshole! Fight me like you fucking fought that Icy Hot Bastard!" He screams at me as he increases the speed and strength of his attacks, several of the explosions starting to land on me. "Fight me, Yoarashi! Why won't you fucking fight back!? Why was he so damn worthy of your full strength but I'm not!"

I try to lift my shaking arms to fight him, but they feel like lead at my sides. My eyes widen in fear as he powers up a strong blast, and I only just manage to roll out of the way of the worst of it, but feel my body roll like a rag doll from the after effect. I stand back up shakily, having to take a knee to catch my breath. My coughing resumes again, and I can feel the mask starting to get wet as the taste of blood fills my mouth again. It could only filter out so much of the smoke, and it seems I've neared my limit.

"Stop dodging and fucking fight me! It doesn't count as a win if you don't fight fucking back!!" Bakugo screams in rage as I tiredly lift my head to face him.

I try to fight then like Inasa does. He can use our quirk without moving his body at all, but I'm not quite as strong or experienced with it as he is. It takes a lot of concentration, but I finally get a good gust of wind starting to form with only my mind so I can attack. I still have to prove myself today, I still have to fight. I want to be a hero, and winning here and proving I'm the best will prove to my father I deserve to be here, I just know it. I have to win, I have to fight.

Jet Stream (Kirishima x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora