Chapter 30: The festival of challenges II [Adumfor Arc I]

Start from the beginning

Elaina: Of course, you aren't as strong as you look... If you were to hit me in the neck with some powerful move ya would have won.

Then Martin just was already behind Elaina and...

Martin: Karate chop v2!-

As he was about to do that, he got punched by Elaina in the chest and then she started to barrage him multiple times and continued for longer and longer and after that she finishes it by senting Martin in the air and then she jumps after him and appears above him as her three knuckle claws appear on both hands.

Elaina: Time to call it a day.

Elaina takes a deep breath.

Elaina: Vans ~ Claw elimination!

Elaina quickly runs at the enemy and then with her claws shining, she starts moving at lighting speed slashing and hitting every hit on Martin as fast as possible before finishing and landing right infront of him enemy and then barrages him and finishes it with a kick in the chest and an uppercut. He falls on the ground...

A minute passes and he hasn't gotten up...

Isabella: Elaina wins (by luck)!

The crowd starts to be excited once more and that is about it.

Meanwhile, at the cooking challenge place. Vlad and 4 others were cooking like crazy to impress certain other high-ranking folks in Adumfor. it seems like they are trying to all get the best meal and the best spot possible, the crowd over that place is watching including Luke and Saniya.

Saniya: I hope he atleast gets top 3, to be honest I'm worried about this challenge itself.

Luke seemed to be curious why she was worried, but he decided not to ask her.

Luke: Well, that is that. It is just in general cooking might be his biggest strength.

Saniya: Yeah, he has been like that since childhood.

Luke then looked at the boy who was cooking on the other table...

Luke: But uh, I can sense a devil activity right now nearby.

Saniya's mood changed quickly...

Saniya: Where?

Luke: One of the four other boys, feels off...

Saniya: oh...

Back to the arena, UltraX vs Onix has started and Onix was using his supernatural endurance and tries to hit UltraX, but he kept missing the hits and his opponent kept backing off.

Xiang Ye: Onix's supernatural endurance seems to keep his opponent from attacking.

Isabella: But at the sametime, his opponent is making a plan to counter that.

Isabella drinks her tea.

Xiang Ye: However, this is a weaker version of the so called supernatural endurance, only after 20 hits, Onix is gonna be losing more stamina and soon his manifestation will fail him.

Xiang Ye looked down at Onix who was dodging some of the hits made by UltraX, leading the count of hits to 4...

Xiang Ye: The hits are only 4, but soon they will rise. That is why someone like Onix has to have a counter against all 20 hits needed to finally have a breakthrough.

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