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Hi guys here the first part and don't forget they can feel pressure


Arthur POV:

I was taking a hit from Curtis that was shot to Tess, I felt the pain for a split second and just then it vanished away I felt like I'm a hundred time better, I didn't know why or how but then a white light flashed and suddenly I was in a big room with a screen, I don't know how I reached there but what amazed me was that my family was there not only then Helstea also and royal families but without Dwarves king and queen.

I didn't care but my curiosity added up when i saw the lances which supposed to busy I only saw them once which was a week ago and never saw them again and they all looked scared from something and dull like everyone here, and again the white flash emerged for a second.

Then I saw about 7 unknown faces but they had a weird, rare faces that I have never seen in Dicathen, a word came up to my mind, The New Continent ,but how I never saw someone have horns but a image appeared to me, they look the same the white hair girl have the same horns as him(Cadell), my pressure loosened 

I saw Vincent and Tabitha and the royal family falling to one knee from the sudden pressure they were not able to breathe when i was about to stop the pressure, I felt a hand behind me, I turned to punch the person behind me but, instead a elf Oldman stood infront of me, "Gramps" I shouted.

"Hey Brat, stop this sudden pressure, people will die from this" he said, I released the pressure and I could hear some gasp for air i went and apologized to them for the sudden pressure.

"How could a kid have this killing aura" King Blaine said while breathing for more oxygen , I think I went too far I will deal with the people later, "I'm sorry your majesty, I couldn't stop it when I saw--" I was interrupted by my family, my mom hugged me and said" I missed you ,Arthur"

When I was about to talk a voice filled with power and authority was heard

"Hello humans, I know you are scared and confused I will explain everything, but first of all let me introduce myself I'm Angel and simply I'm a deity" The voice said

"Hi Angel, nice to meet yo-- whatt you're a deity!!" King Alduin said with scared and shocked expression

"hey Angel, why are we here and what is this room? and did you happen know how we teleported here I would like to know" said Gideon he seemed to have many question in science

"Okay Relax Gideon I will explain, First of all i brought you here for self entertainment and to react to a important, mysterious individual sitting with you here. He said

I knew who it will be it is obvious, some who knew me well looked at me with a smirk

"Okay, let them introduce them self's" said Angel while pointing at the unknown people

A White haired woman with pure skin and pretty face came first and said ( I'm Scythe Seris from the Other Continent, I'm from A place called Alcarya and I Stand beside you Dicathen, here are some of Grey Student and my Student Caera Denoir" A navy haired Girl with horn stood up and greeted us

Some of the students were shocked by what she said 

Then the wheat haired guy stood up his face was emotionless with these Golden eyes piercing you as if he can see your soul he said (Hi I'm Grey no blood name) he said with bored expression

" And what is your goal Grey" she looked at him interested and waiting his respond

"Uhh.. my goal is a bit complicated" He replied

Grey reactionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang