The disappear

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Guys any underlined text is a spoiler so it blurred or muted for them

3rd POV

"So guys we will react to Arthur now , it's in the future" Angel said

"Why did you-" Alice was going to ask but got interrupted

"Because, you'll see his last fight , anyways , this video will show us a 17 year old Arthur when he was a lance, " Angel said

Some were shocked

Alcaryans knew what he meant

"What do you mean by his last fight" Alice shouted denying the possible meaning

"Do you mean that he died" Virion said while looking at Arthur

Arthur was already knowing the meaning but he accepted his fate

Alice was sobbing as well as ellie and Tess

Nobody speaked

Angel played the video

(Angel had told them that Arthur is considered the strongest and a quadra-elmental mage , and they were in the hideout, and Tess raced away to see her family, only to discover that their council were all dead except for Virion, and now Arthur had to fight two scythes to rescue her.)

(Lazy to write their reaction, but think about their  reaction , shocked, some crying, amused, and scared)

Explosions of black and gold from Sylvie and the scythe's battle resounded in the distance but I was focused on the man I had in my grasp.

"I-It can't—no, it's impossible. There's no way—"

"That I'm...Nico?" Elijah coughed as he pried my fingers apart just enough so he could speak. "If you've ------------------ world, Arthur, why is it impossible for anyone else to as well?"

"What's the meaning of this Elijah?" shouted ellie

"I don't even know" Elijah responded

The hand currently wrapped around Nic—no, Elijah, trembled uncontrollably. I squeezed harder. I didn't want him to talk. I wanted to deny everything. I couldn't bear whatever it was that he was about to say.

"What is it between you 2" asked Blaine

"None of your business" said Angel

"Art! Watch out!"

Tess' scream jolted me out of my thoughts, but I couldn't fully dodge the back spike that Elijah had launched from the ground.

My grip around the black-haired traitor's neck loosened and Elijah took advantage of that moment perfectly, prying himself loose and punching me square in the jaw with a hellfire-clad fist.

I swayed, nearly losing consciousness as the runes coursing down my face protected me from the black flames. I nearly fell from the sky but a hand grabbed my wrist.

As my weakened body struggled to counteract the otherworldly toxins that had entered my body from the black spike, Elijah grabbed my collar and pulled me close. His piercing dark eyes glared down at me while the venom-coated black spike hovered over his shoulder, tip pointed at my face.

"Is my brother going to die?" Ellie stated

"Art!" Tess shouted. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see her aura flaring as she prepared to attack.

"Focus on the gate!" I roared.

"Why are you always saving me" Tess mumbled while her face was red as a tomato

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