Court Day

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Arthur POV:

A shadow appeared from his back and talked as if he don't know it's a miracle for a animal to talk. I thought

"You can talk!!!" shouted Blaine

"Of course, why not you ugly king" Regis said

"Okay okay relax, so guys I will skip from last video to a court scene" angel said

"why is that?" mica asked

"Cause all the previous videos will be a waste of time" angel replied

Mica nodded

"So, grey was training to be powerful in relic tombs which is the same as dungeons but harder and built aether core. He appeared to go with some members and found a hard trial and some of them got killed and now he's hold a prisoner to the family of the victims. Angel said

"That's a lot to take in" said Feyrith

"What did you just said" said seris with a shocked tone

"That he's a prisoner?" angel said

"No, did you say that he built a aether core" she said

"He's beside you, you can ask him" angel said

She turned to him to ask but grey just nodded and he got cold again 

"Why didn't you tell me Caera?" said seris in a shocked tone

"I didn't know" Caera said 

"What is a aether core?" asked Curtis 

"It's the same as mana but more powerful and better and it can control time , space , etc."Angel said

"There another type of magic!!" shouted Gideon

"Yeah" grey replied

"Okay we finished explaining now lets watch" Angel said

We settled down and got ready and a title appeared

"Court Day"


Grey POV:

"This trial shall be adjudicated by High Judge Blackshorn, Judge Tenema, Judge Falhorn, Judge Harcrust, and Judge Frihl," the central judge, apparently High Judge Blackshorn, said as the five black-robed Alacryans took their seats.

"five judges at a time, that's a lot" said Elijah 

"They have the money, so why keeping it" said grey

"The purpose of this trial," he continued in his slow, clear voice, "is to determine the truth of whether Ascender Grey"—he gestured to me, chained in the black chair—"murdered Lord Kalon of Blood Granbehl, Lord Ezra of Blood Granbehl, and Lady Riah of Blood Faline."

"Did you kill them?" Asked Alduin

"What do you think?" Grey said

Alduin watched grey terrified  

"And," he added after a short pause, "to decide upon an appropriate punishment, should the ascender be found guilty."

Whispered conversations drifted down from the onlookers behind me, but my focus was on the judges as they began shuffling through documents laid out on their desks. High Judge Blackshorn was an older man, in his seventies at least. There were dark smudges under his deep-set eyes and mottled gray spots across his wrinkled scalp.

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