- Speaking of Jungkook, you are to blame for Jimin's scream a while ago. Because you killed the driver. You knew very well who he was. Taehyung told you what happened at school and that he reported his janitor. It was not difficult, with all your contacts, to find out the man's identity. That's why you discreetly took the parlor key from my pocket,  when we were in the study so I couldn't get in there. And made sure to kill him, going through the secret passage.

-I... - Jungkook was trying to form a coherent sentence, but nothing was coming out of his mouth.

- Before you say you didn't know about passage, I'll say that's a lie, Jungkook. You and Tae share the same brain cells. You are a twin flame. Just look at what you do for each other, you kill people, for God's sake! You think I'm going to believe that your Taehyung didn't tell you where he spent most of his time while we lived in this mansion? You think I'm going to believe that you weren't fucking in the secret passage when Sebastian was around? - Jungkook's mouth was sealed with those words. Everyone looked at the youngest among them, with a look that betrayed sadness and pain.

- The same situation goes to Namjoon and Jin. You two really love each other, don't you?

- What are you talking about, Yoongi? - Namjoon asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

- You shot at the guy at the door when the power went out. You took the gun I gave Hoseok while he was there overwhelmed by outpourings of love for me. You crept up to the door and shot him. But before that you approached Taehyung and helped him overcome a panic attack, just to let others know you were there, in the dark. And as for Jin, he followed you, because he knows you well. He knew what you were going to do. So he snatched the gun from your hand and killed the policeman, who rushed as soon as he heard the first shot. - Yoongi breathed. He turned to the door, which was still half open.

There was still no one.

They still had a little time.

- How could I have known that this guy would appear at the door? First time seeing him, Yoongi. - Namjoon said visibly shaken.

- You knew because you invited him. With the intention of getting rid of him, or handing him over to me, because you knew very well that he was a wanted criminal.

- Joon? What the fuck? What is Yoongi talking about? - Jin asked, looking first at his lover and then at everyone around, who didn't look any better than the oldest.

- Then I guess I killed the second guy from the kitchen... - Jimin said as he took steps closer to Yoongi who was still standing across from the group of guys.

He looked him deep in the eyes and tilted his head slightly in the process, as if studying Yoongi's unreadable expression on his pale face.

- Yes, you speak well, Jimin. You killed him because he saw you give money to the policeman. You pretended not to recognize him. But how is that possible when a man works in your brothel? You always knew all the staff very well. You can't deny that. - Yoongi answered, not taking his eyes off the blond.

- And what did your dear fiancé do? Come enlighten us. - Jimin spoke again, when the rotations finally reached the loudest sound.

There was a pounding sound like a bass ringing in their ears. Those were the doors of police vehicles, which gave away that the policemen were on their way to the mansion.

Only a few moments remain.

Yoongi was without any plan. His eyes watered because of the weakness that gripped him tightly.

- Hoseok shot at Sebastian first! But he missed! - he said a little louder than he planned.

- My Hoseok wanted to kill him, and then I took it upon myself. - he said calmly.

Hoseok smiled and looked at his fiancé who smiled back. The others watched them, without moving from their positions.

- 'A lie has seven different varieties, and the truth only one.' - Hoseok spoke while laughing.

He put his hands over his stomach, trying to catch his breath due to a fit of laughter. Tears clouded his vision, but he could still see his beloved people gathered around him.

Yoongi made his way to the door, which he opened wide, to welcome the arriving policemen inside.

Dozens of uniformed faces entered the mansion, when the heads of the remaining five men looked in wonder, sometimes in the direction of the figure that was curled up on the floor with laughter, sometimes at the door where their future ended.

- I will quote Aristotle at this bizarre moment 'What benefit do people get from lying? That they are not believed when they tell the truth.' - Hoseok said as he stabilized slowly.

- In that case... - Yoongi started towards the study, gesturing to the police to follow him.

- I will give you a proof. You can see recordings from the cameras on the computer screen. Of course, until the electricity went out. That policeman screwed us badly when he turned off the electricity... but I know what happened next, so that will be enough. - Yoongi said and the police entered the room.

- Come again?

- What the fuck?

- The policeman turned off the electricity? - Taehyung asked.

- Yes, of course he is. Who else would.

- I don't understand, Yoongi. - Jungkook said.

- Guys... my dear people... have you forgotten what my Yoongi is like? We lived together for so long that you had to know him even though you didn't want to. - Hoseok answered, while exchanging glances with the elder.

- To know him? Hoseok, he just accused us for murders! And we... - Jimin spoke.

- I know, silly. You didn't kill anyone. I was just kidding. - Yoongi said.

- I had to inject some laughter into the whole crappy criminal situation. Relax.

Yes, the power of truth is incredibly great and unspeakably permanent. We can discover her road traces in all, even the most bizarre events of different times and peoples, often in unusual company, in a strange mixture, but we can still recognize them.

That's what Schopenhauer once said, and Yoongi has to agree with it, again.

But there was truth in every lie.

Maybe the men didn't kill the people in the mansion, but he knew very well that by telling those lies, he was also telling part of the truth.

The truth, which threatened to take away his freedom and turn his whole life into one big lie.


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