Chapter 36: This Silly Little Thing Called Adoption

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     I sighed and flopped back down on my hospital bed, "That's a relief," then I added cautiously, "Um... What about the animatronics? Are they, like-"

     Gregory oohed, and I shot him a look, telling him to shut up. He stopped, but then burst into giggles.

     I rolled my eyes as my dad said slowly, "We only saw Freddy, but we don't have any info about the others, so..."

     I jumped for joy internally since Freddy was okay, but I was still very worried about the rest of my friends. Had they made it out? If they had, did people recognize them? If so, what did they do with them?

     They repaired them, I hope.

     "Gregory?" I asked, "Did you see any of the others?"

     He shrugged, "I know as much as you do. I was inside of Freddy will he was carrying yooouuu."

     I groaned. Did he really have to say that out loud?

     But my stomach did a bit of a flip-flop (the good kind) when I heard it. I would ask Freddy about the details of the night when I next saw him. Speaking of which...

     "When am I allowed to leave?" I asked hurriedly, "I really need to see the Pizzaplex. And I swear, if I don't get back before they reopen and Dave has to fill in for me again, I'll-"

     "Woah! Hold your horses, hon," Dad said, "You're allowed to leave tomorrow, but I don't think you'll be able to go to the Pizzaplex anytime soon."

     I nodded and eased up, "Right. Got it."

     I turned my head and winked at Gregory, hoping he got the memo.

     That's what they think.

. . .

     "Come on Gregory, we're almost there!" I whispered over my shoulder.

     He nodded, a big smile plastered on his face. I could tell he was excited to see Freddy, almost as much as I was to see the rest of them!

     After... yeah... I was both excited and nervous to see Freddy. I'd actually made a new word to describe how I was feeling. 'Excervosus,' because it was a mashup of excited and nervous in Latin, so it made sense.

     I am excervosus, I reminded myself for the thirty second time (yes, I counted). Something about saying how I was feeling helped me calm down. It cleared things up a bit.

     Before we walked into Parts and Service (which I technically had permission to go to), I put my hands on Gregory's shoulders and told him, "Okay, so when we walk in, I don't know who will or will not be in there. Chances are whoever's in there is very... uh..."

     "Broken beyond repair?" he suggested.

     I winced, "Let's hope not."

     Opening the door, I was greeted by the (not-too) sweet sound of my friends.

     "y/N!" they chorused with broken voices (all except Chica, who couldn't really... talk).

     Observing the area, I barely noticed that everyone still looked destroyed, because I saw a familiar face.

     "Foxy!!!" I squealed, running up to him. I hadn't been as happy to see anyone since Freddy and I found each other the night when...

     His casing was just as cracked and dirty as Freddy's was, but he wasn't shattered like Chica, Roxy, or Monty.

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